Bevándorlási és Állampolgársági Hivatal


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Dear Clients!

Please note that all of our client offices will be CLOSED for the Easter holidays on the 29th of March and on the 1st of April 2024.

Thank you for your understanding!

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The document for beneficiaries of temporary protection is valid for another year


Dear Clients and Visitors,


Pursuant to § 3 of Government Decree no. 30/2024 (of 22 February), the date of expiry (i.e. the end date of validity) of the residence permit documents of foreign nationals who fled the Russian-Ukrainian war and are recognised as beneficiaries of temporary protection shall automatically change to 4 March 2025.


Pursuant to the abovementioned specific provision in legislation, the residence permits issued for beneficiaries of temporary protection before 4 March 2024 are valid up until 4 March 2025 under the legislation, regardless that the date of expiry is being indicated as ‘4 March 2023’ or ‘4 March 2024’ on the documents.


Concerning these documents no further actions are required to be taken by the Clients concerned.


Please follow the News section on the website of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing (‘’) where up-to-date information is provided for Clients and Visitors by the asylum authority.








Дійсність документа тимчасового  захисту

                  продовжується ще на один рік!


                  Шановні Громадяни,


Прибувші до Угорщини внаслідок російсько української війни,які розпоряджаються виданим й завіреним Угорщиною документом тимчасового захисту,що посвідчує особу та право на проживання , автоматично змінюється термін на  2025.03.04. року

зв‘язку з Державним Законом 3. §-a 30/2024. (ІІ.22.) 

Відповідно і завдяки вищеописаному законунемає різниці,що на ваших документах термін дійсності закінчується у 2023.03.04 році,у 2024.03.04 році тобто для біженців видані документи ,в звязку з законодавством продовжуються бути дійсними до 2025.03.04.


Надалі з цими документами вам нічого не потрібно робити.


Просимо вас слідкувати про нові інформації під пунктом «Новини» на нашому сайті Генеральної Дирекції (, де ми завжди надаємо актуальну інформацію для вас





Published in News

LOGO kicsi


Dear Customers!

On February 15, 2024, OIF customer service in Eger will be closed due to technical reasons.

Thank you for your understanding!

Published in News
LOGO kicsi

Dear Client,


Please be informed that the electronic administration platform of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing (hereinafter: Directorate-General) called Enterhungary ( is temporarily out of service due to technical problems. The colleagues of the Directorate-General are working on the troubleshooting and the full recovery of the service is expected by 16:00 o’clock, 30th December 2023.


A notifying e-mail shall be sent about the recovery of the service to all registered users who have used their Enterhungary accounts after 1st November 2023. Furthermore, a notification shall be published on the website of the Directorate-General (


The Directorate-General ensures the submission of the applications in the following ways until the service is restored:


  1. 1)Clients who are obliged to use electronic means or have client gate or company gate may submit their applications through the means of e-paper.


In order to regard the applications submitted by means of e-paper it is essential to:

-          indicate the name, date of birth and planned address/accommodation (naming the settlement) of the client concerned in the subject section,

-          attach the completed application form provided for in IRM Regulation 25/2007 (V.31.) with a facial photograph,

-          attach the proof of payment of the fee,

-          attach the power of attorney.


Fees can be paid by bank transfer. In this case, the following details must be entered in the comment section:

-          the passport number of the applicant concerned by the application and

-          FAMILY NAME, first name [if the full name cannot be given, the surname (with capital letters) and a first name must be given]


The Directorate-General can consider transfers only made to the following account: 10023002-00283511-02000006


Please note that in order to ensure that applications are identifiable only one fee for a single case can be paid per transfer (as in the past).


Insufficiently submitted applications or payments made in an unidentifiable manner shall not be considered as submitted applications by the Directorate-General – similarly to applications submitted on the Enterhungary platform.


  1. 2)Clients who are not obligated to use e-administration or who do not have a Client Gate or a Company Gate can submit their applications in person.


Due to the current situation, on 28th and 29th December 2023, the opening hours of the Directorate-General’s client services will be extended for clients who are unable to submit their applications by e-paper or do not wish to wait for the recovery of the service. The contact details of the client services can be found by clicking the link below or on the website of the Directorate-General under Contacts, Contact details of the regional offices menu item.


Please note that even during the extended opening hours, only a limited number of clients can be received, clients are advised to use e-paper service as a priority.


If you apply in person, you must submit the following documents:

-          completed application form provided for in  IRM Regulation 25/2007 (V.31.) with a facial photograph (available also on the Directorate-General's website at, on the pages for each type of application),

-          passport,

-          proof of payment of the fee.


Fees can be paid by bank transfer or cheque. In both cases, the following details must be provided in the comment section:

-          the passport number of the client concerned by the application, and

-          FAMILY NAME, first name [if the full name cannot be given, the surname (with capital letters) and a first name must be given].


The Directorate-General can consider transfers only made to the following account: 10023002-00283511-02000006


Please note that in order to ensure that applications are identifiable only one fee for a single case can be paid per transfer (as in the past).


Please note that several applications can also be submitted after 1st January 2024:


-          applications for the replacement or substitute of a document;

-          extension of an expiring certificate of temporary residence;

-          extension of the validity of an immigration permit document;

-          applications of EEA nationals for the issuance of a registration certificate or for a permanent residence card;

-          applications of family members of EEA nationals for the issuance or extension of a residence card or a long-term residence card.


It will also be possible to take biometric data for applications submitted electronically by 31st December 2023.


We apologise for any inconveniences caused by the malfunction in our application platform service.



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LOGO kicsi


Dear Clients,



Please be informed that under the Act on the General Rules for the Entry and Right of Residence of Third-Country Nationals, unless otherwise specified by provision, no applications for a residence permit or for an interim/a national/an EU residence card (former interim/national/EC permanent residence permits) may be submitted between 1st January 2024 and 29th February 2024.


Procedures related to the applications for a residence permit and for a permanent residence permit submitted before 1st January 2024 will be suspended between 1st January 2024 and 29th February 2024. Accordingly, the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing shall not make a decision on these applications. Attaching a supporting document to your pending application will be available. In case of applications submitted duly by 31st December 2023, after the expiry of the suspension period, i.e. following 29th February 2024, the aliens policing authority shall continue the procedures concerned and shall take a decision in accordance with the legislation in force at the time of submission of the given application; submitting a separate application for this purpose is not required.


The validity of residence permits and permanent residence permits expiring between 1st January 2024 and 29th February 2024 will be extended until 30th April 2024. For this purpose, no further actions are required to be taken by the persons concerned; neither to appear at the Client Service Offices nor to submit an application. No separate certificate will be issued on the extension of the validity of the documents. The provision on the extension of the documents concerned allows for legal residence in Hungary.

Please be advised; however, that you should consider travelling abroad in view of the expiry date indicated on your document, as it is uncertain whether you will be allowed to enter Hungary (and thus the Schengen area) in another Member State.


Please note that during the period from 1st January 2024 to 29th February 2024, administration of only the following types of cases will be available:

-          taking biometric data for applications submitted electronically by 31st December 2023;

-          applications for the replacement or substitution of a document;

-          extension of an expiring certificate entitling its holder to temporary residence;

-          extension of the validity of an immigration permit document;

-          applications of EEA nationals for the issuance of a registration certificate or for a permanent residence card;

-          applications of family members of EEA nationals for the issuance or extension of a residence card or a long-term residence card.


Budapest, 22nd December 2023


National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing










Інформація про зміни в законодавстві


Шановні клієнти!


Повідомляємо Вам, що на підставі Закону "Про загальні правила в'їзду та перебування громадян третіх країн", -відсутність іншого положення-, з 1 січня 2024 року до 29 лютого 2024 року не можна подавати заяву щодо отримання дозволу на проживання або тимчасової/національної/європейської карти перебування (колишня назва- тимчасового/національного/європейського постійного дозволу на проживання).

Щодо заяв на отримання посвідки на тимчасове та постійне проживання, поданих до 1 січня 2024 року, процедура призупиняється з 1 січня 2024 року до 29 лютого 2024 року, виходячи з цього Генеральна Дирекція у Справах Іноземців не може прийняти рішення стосовно цих заяв. Якщо ви бажаєте додати підтверджуючі документи до вашої поточної процедури, у вас є можливість це зробити. У випадку, якщо належним чином була подана заява до 31 грудня 2023 року, то після закінчення терміну призупинення, тобто 29 лютого 2024 року, орган реєстрації іноземців продовжує розглядати справу без окремої заяви та прийме рішення відповідно до чинного законодавства на момент подання заяви.


Термін дії посвідок на тимчасове проживання та посвідок на постійне проживання буде продовжено до 30 квітня 2024 року, у яких закінчується термін в період з 1 січня 2024 року по 29 лютого 2024 року. Зацікавлені сторони нічого не потрібно зробити, не потрібно відвідувати відділ обслуговування клієнтів і не потрібно подавати заявку. Окремий сертифікат про продовження терміну дії не видається. Положення про поновлення документів забезпечує легальне перебування в Угорщині.

Однак зверніть увагу, що вам слід подумати про поїздку за кордон із за дати закінчення дії документа, оскільки невідомо, чи буде їм дозволено в'їзд (а отже, і до Шенгенської зони) в іншій державі-члені ЄС з дозволом до Угорщини.

Зверніть увагу, що у період з 1 січня по 29 лютого 2024 року можуть розглядатися лише такі типи справ:

-          для електронних заявок, поданих до 31 грудня 2023 року зняття біометричних даних;

-          заява на заміну документів;

-          продовження тимчасового дозволу, термін дії якого закінчується;

-          продовження документа дозволу на імміграцію;

-          Заяви на отримання свідоцтва про реєстрацію та посвідки на постійне проживання для громадян ЄЕЗ;

-          Заяви про видачу та продовження посвідки на тимчасове перебування та карти довгострокового перебування для членів сім'ї громадян ЄЕЗ.

Будапешт, 22 грудня 2023 р.



Генеральна Дирекція у Справах Іноземців

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Dear Clients,


We inform you that on 06 December 2023 (Wednesday) the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing Regional Directorate of Budapest and Pest County Client Service II. will be open from 8AM to 10AM.


Thank you for your understanding.

Published in News

LOGO kicsi


Dear Clients,


We inform you that on 29 November 2023 (Wednesday) the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing Regional Directorate of Budapest and Pest County Client Service I. will be open from 8AM to 10AM.


Thank you for your understanding.

Published in News

LOGO kicsi

Dear Customers!


We would like to inform you that on November 13, 2023, there will be a power outage in the Balassagyarmat building of the Northern Hungarian Regional Directorate of the National Directorate General of Immigration, due to network maintenance therefore, customer reception will not be possible between 8 a.m. and 12 p.m. on the mentioned day.


Thank you for your understanding!


Published in News

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Dear Clients!

Please note that all of our offices will be CLOSED on Monday, 23th of October 2023.

Thank you for your understanding!

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Budapest and Pest County Regional Directorate


Dear Students!


We would like to inform you that the Client Service at Harmat Street which was open to provide a faster and more effective client experience between 20th of June and 30th of September, 2023 for students who have an official address in Budapest or Pest county is going to be closed from October. The last opening day is on 29th of September, 2023. From October you could visit either 1135 Budapest Szegedi road 35-37. or 1117 Budapest, Budafoki road 60. to hand your application.


Opening Hours:


Budafoki road client service Szegedi road client service
Monday 8:00-14:00 Monday 8:00-14:00
Tuesday 8:00-14:00 Tuesday 8:00-14:00
Wednesday 8:00-14:00 Wednesday 8:00-14:00
Thursday 8:00-14:00 Thursday 8:00-14:00
Friday 8:00-12:00 Friday 8:00-12:00


From October, 2023. you can book an appointment exclusively to Szegedi road or Budafoki road client service. The appointment reservation has to contain the Enter Hungary case number received on this electronic platform for applications. Please provide the Enter Hungary case number in the ,,client name’’ section.


Thank you for your kind understanding.


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Home Affairs funds
  • Home Affairs funds


    For further information on the projects implemented by the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing and co-financed by the Home Affairs Funds of the European Union please click here.



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As it was specified by law the official decisions, which procedures started after 1 November 2005, are announced on the website of the Office of Immigration and Nationality. If there is no result with the provided data in the search engine below, please click on the HIRDETMENY link, and repeat the search on the interface that appears.


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