Bevándorlási és Állampolgársági Hivatal


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Dear Clients,


Please be informed that the client service office in Győr will not be available on the 5th of October 2020 due to maintenance reasons.


Thank you for your undestanding.

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Information on the travel restrictions during the period of state of epidemiological preparedness


Due to the existence of the grave risk that endangers Hungary’s public order and internal security, the Hungarian Government temporary reintroduces border control on all of its internal borders as of 1 September, 2020.

The following foreign persons shall receive the same treatment as Hungarian citizens:

  • persons entitled to permanent residence in Hungary and their family members, provided that this right is certified by a document, and
  • persons holding a valid permit to reside for more than 90 days within the territory of Hungary issued by the immigration authority under any legal title, who present the document to that effect upon entering the country.


Documents that entitle the holder to reside within the territory of Hungary for more than 90 days:

  • visas entitling the holder to reside for more than 90 days within a period of 180 days,
  • residence permits,
  • immigration permits,
  • permanent residence permits,
  • temporary residence permits,
  • national permanent residence permits,
  • EC permanent residence permits.


When entering the territory of Hungary, persons arriving from abroad may be subjected to a health screening, which they shall be required to tolerate. A person whose health screening raises the suspicion of the infection shall be placed in a quarantine facility designated by the competent epidemiological authority or – if doing so does not pose any epidemiological risk – in an official home quarantine.


If a person’s health screening raises no suspicion of the infection the citizen shall be placed in official home quarantine for 14 days or in a quarantine facility designated by the competent epidemiological authority for 14 days.

If the molecular biological examinations – SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests – carried out on two occasions verify that at the time of the examinations, the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus could not be detected in the body of the person placed in quarantine, the epidemiological authority competent to issue a decision ordering quarantine shall grant exemption from the provision ordering quarantine.



Budapest, September 4, 2020

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In order to avoid spreading of corona virus, you are requested to keep the followings from 27th of August in our Client Services

Our Clients are requested to keep furthermore the compulsory health protection regulations. In case of having fever and symptoms of a cold do not visit our Client Service offices. Instead, you are requested to make use of the electronic site possibity for presenting your application.

 In all cases, a mask which covers your nose and mouth or a scarf should be worn when visiting the Client Service offices.

Also you are requested to keep the 1,5 meters distance and the rules of public health regulations.


Thank you!

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Dear Clients,


Please be informed that our Call Center will not be available on the 29th of August 2020 due to maintenance reasons.


Thank you for your undestanding.

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Dear Clients!


Please note that all of our client service offices will be CLOSED for the public holiday from the 20th of August 2020 to the 21st of August 2020.

Client reception will be held on the 29th of August 2020 (Saturday) according to Friday's schedule, online appointment booking is not possible for this day.


Thank you for your understanding!

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We  hereby inform our clients, that from the 4th of August 2020 until the 14th of August 2020 You can only attend the office hours with an online reservation, due to recovery works going on at the Kaposvár Office (Kaposvár, Széchenyi tér 3.) of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing Southern Transdanubian Regional Directorate. Online appointment reservation can be made at the website:


We kindly ask you to arrange your administration for different dates if possible.


For submitting missing documents please do not make an appointment. The missing documents should be sent by post to our directorate:

OIF Dél-dunántúli Regionális Igazgatóság, 7602 Pécs, Pf.: 480.


We kindly ask you to use our online application system, Enter Hungary ( for submitting applications, notifications or announcements.

On the Enter Hungary site you can submit:

- Application for residence permit issuance or extansion (for 16 purposes),

- Notifications concerning employment

- Announcement of the birth of the third country citizen child born in Hungary.


Those, who doesn’t have an online reservation, but their case needs urgent administration, after a concilliation on telephone (+36 72 518-720) can visit our offices in Pécs or Szekszárd.


OFFICE HOURS IN PÉCS (7623 Pécs, Csend u. 3.):










 OFFICE HOURS IN SZEKSZÁRD (7100 Szekszárd, Szent István tér 23.):






We draw the attention of our clients to make an online appointment because of the increased number of visiting clients. Without an appointment you should calculate with longer waiting time. Online appointment reservation can be made at the website:


Thank you for your understanding!


National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing

Southern Transdanubian Regional Directorate.



Wir informieren Sie darüber, dass der Kundendienst in Kaposvár (Kaposvár, Széchenyi Pl. 3.) von 04.08.2020 bis 14.08.2020 beschränkt ist, wegen der Renovation des Büros.

Verwaltung ist nur mit Termin möglich. Das Termin wird in unserer Webseite reservieren (


Bitte planen Sie Ihre Verwaltung zu einem anderen Datum.

Bitte einreichen Sie die Mangelbeseitigung per Post.

Unsere Adresse: National Generaldirektion für Fremdenpolizei, 7602 Pécs, Pf.: 480


Bitte einreichen Sie Ihre Antrag online in unserer Webseite (

Wenn Sie dringende Angelegenheit haben aber haben kein Termin, Sie können nach Pécs oder nach Szekszárd kommen nach telefonische Beratung (+36 72 518-720)


Öffnungszeit in Pécs (7623 Pécs, Csend u. 3)










Öffnungszeit in Szekszárd (7100 Szekszárd, Szent István tér 23.)






Wir informieren Sie darüber, dass –wegen dem gestiegenen Kundenverkehr – unsere Kunden, die kein Termin haben, müssen länger warten.

Das Termin wird in unserer Webseite reservieren (


Danke für Ihr Verständnis.


National Generaldirektion für Fremdenpolizei

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Dear Clients,


Please, be informed that the client service of Asylum Directorate has moved to building „A”. It can be reached from 60 Budafoki Street, behind the bus stop Hengermalom Street by entering through the green gate.


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Dear Clients,

Please be informed that from Monday, June 15, 2020 besides having a prior appointment, administration in person will be possible in urgent and duly justified cases.

We kindly request our Clients to take all the epidemiological precautionary measures if possible.


Administration in person and appointment booking is again possible in the following case types:

  • - Registration certificate for EEA nationals
  • - Permanent residence permit
  • - Residence card issued to third-country national family member of a Hungarian citizen and permanent residence card
  • - Residence permit
  • - Substitute/replacement residence permit
  • - Invitation letter
  • - First issue /extension of temporary residence permit (ITI) for applicants
  • - Visa extension


We kindly request our Clients not to book an appointment for submitting requested missing documents. Please submit missing documents through the electronic online aliens-policing system (EnterHungary) or through post.

Please be advised that applications shall be submitted and reporting obligations shall be fulfilled via EnterHungary (

Application types which can be submitted via Enter Hungary:

  • - Issuing and renewing residence permit (16 types)
  • - Temporary residence permit
  • - Student mobility
  • - Commencement and termination of employment
  • - Reporting cancellation of employment
  • - Change of address
  • - Short-term mobility of researchers
  • - Birth of third country national child in the territory of Hungary


Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. 

National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing

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Dear Clients,

Please be informed that the appointment booking system will not be available on the 15th of June 2020 due to maintenance reasons.


Thank you for your undestanding.

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In accordance with Government Decree 233/2020 (May 26) on diverging measures relating to

the conditions for lodging an APPLICATION FOR ASYLUM



Personal scope of logding an application:

Present procedural rules apply to foreign nationals wishing to enter Hungary with the purpose of lodging an application for asylum.


Temporal scope of lodging an application:

Present procedure shall apply to declarations of intent submitted after May 26, 2020.


Way of lodging an application

Application shall be primarily submitted in person and in the form of a declaration of intent (hereinafter: declaration). The declaration addressed to the asylum authority can be submitted at a diplomatic representation of Hungary located outside of the Schengen Area (hereinafter: embassy) with the content defined and published by the asylum authority.


Procedure of lodging an application

  1. The declaration of intent is assessed by the asylum authority during which the authority may interview the foreign national present in person at the Embassy in the form of remote hearing.
  2. In case as a result of the assessment concluded by the authority the foreigner becomes eligible for a travel document entitling its holder to single entry to Hungary (hereinafter: travel document), the asylum authority informs the Embassy about this fact within 60 days in order to issue the travel document.

Based on the information provided by the asylum authority, the embassy of Hungary issues a travel document valid for 30 days, provided that the foreigner does not hold a permit for entry into Hungary.

3. In case the asylum authority does not support the issuance of travel document based on the assessment concluded, the authority informs the foreign national about this via the embassy.

4. During the procedure the asylum authority contacts the foreign national exclusively via the embassies.


Further rules for foreigners holding a travel document

  1. A foreign national holding a travel document shall confirm his/her intention to submit an asylum application to the border police authority immediately upon entry into the country.
  2. Border police shall bring the foreign national to the asylum authority within 24 hours at the latest.
  3. Asylum authority may issue an order to designate accommodation for the asylum seeker in a closed reception centre. Asylum authority shall determine subsequent accommodation in accordance with the general rules of the asylum procedure four weeks after the application has been lodged, provided that the conditions for ordering asylum detention are not met.


Specific measures

  1. Asylum application is not conditional on the submission of the declaration of intent referred to in the course of the procedure and general rules shall apply to the submission of the application in the following cases:

-          beneficiaries of subsidiary protection residing in Hungary,

-          family members of recognised refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection as defined in Asylum Act who were staying in Hungary at the time of the submission of the asylum application,

-          a person subject to a coercive measure or measures restricting personal liberty, unless he/she irregularly crossed the border of Hungary.

2. A foreign national crossing the border of Hungary irregularly – if indicates the intention to submit an asylum application – is directed by the police to the Hungarian embassy in the neighbouring country where the border crossing took place.


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Home Affairs funds
  • Home Affairs funds


    For further information on the projects implemented by the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing and co-financed by the Home Affairs Funds of the European Union please click here.



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As it was specified by law the official decisions, which procedures started after 1 November 2005, are announced on the website of the Office of Immigration and Nationality. If there is no result with the provided data in the search engine below, please click on the HIRDETMENY link, and repeat the search on the interface that appears.


OIF logó nagyonnagyonkicsi