Bevándorlási és Állampolgársági Hivatal



We would like to inform dear clients that during the period of the governmental administrative break pursuant to Government Decree 369/2022 (IX.29.) on the ordering of the governmental administrative break and the emergency rules applicable to the governmental administrative break (hereinafter: Decree) - 22 December 2022 - 6 January 2023 - the reception of clients and work in the public employment services in the district (metropolitan district) offices (hereinafter: Employment Department) will be suspended.


If I have temporary protection, and I would like to registare at the employment department for the regular subsistence allowance.  How and where can I apply during the administrative break?

You can submit your application in person at the Government Offices (Kormányablak) open during the administrative break by filling in the appropriate form available there.

Information on the government offices open and the opening hours can be found at the following link:

We inform you that applications submitted at the Government Offices will be forwarded to the relevant Employment Department, where the administration will start after the administrative break on 9 January 2023.


If I have temporary protection, I am obliged to report any changes in my data to the Employment Department in connection with the payment of the regular subsistence allowance. What should I do during the administrative break?

You can report a change in your details in person at the Government Offices open during the administrative break by filling in the appropriate form available there.

Information on the government offices open and the opening hours can be found at the following link:

We inform you that the notifications submitted at the Government Offices will be forwarded to the competent Employment Department, where the administration will start on 9 January 2023, after the end of the administrative recess

You can also report changes in data in person at the Employment Department competent by your  place of accommodation, after the administrative break, but not before 9 January 2023.


If I have temporary protection, I have to register every month at the Employment Department competent by my  place of accommodation in order to receive the regular subsistence allowance. What should I do during the administrative break?

There is no application for the duration of the administrative break. The Employment Department will schedule the registration dates for the month of December before the administrative break.

During the administrative break, the Employment Department will not be open to clients, and you will be able to make in-person arrengement from 9 January 2023, after the end of the administrative break.

Belügyi alapok
  • Belügyi alapok


    Az Országos Idegenrendészeti Főigazgatóság által az Európai Unió Belügyi Alapok társfinanszírozásával megvalósított projektekről bővebben itt olvashat.


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