Bevándorlási és Állampolgársági Hivatal


European Integration Fund



Period for implementation of the project

01.01.2014 –30.06.2014

Aim of the project

The aim of the project was to contribute to the development of the current structures of integration of third-country nationals, by strengthening the migrant-specific dimension of the local and regional administration.

Indicators of the main activities

To achieve this goal, training were organized focusing on migrant-specific professional, legal, document security subjects, as well as Arabic and Chinese culture for those employees of special directorates of the government offices, who most frequently get into contact with third country nationals legally residing in Hungary during their daily work.

Financial assistance

Financial assistance: 9 852 386,00 HUF



Period for implementation of the project

01.01.2013 – 31.03.2014

Aim of the project

The direct aim of the project was to develop intercultural skills of local desk officers who are in direct contact with third country nationals legally residing in the territory of Hungary.

Indicators of the main activities

As a result of the two-module training -which is the main element of the project - (1 intercultural training, 2 Arabic and Chinese culture) 29 desk officers would work at the local customer services, who have intercultural knowledge and competence. Both of the spring and autumn module 84 % of the participants declared that it met their expectations and 27 of the 29 participants said that they found the knowledge acquired during training useful in their work.

To ensure the sustainability of the training, an intercultural handbook was prepared by the instructors, which is available at the website of the Office for the whole staff.

Financial assistance

Financial assistance: 15 026 206 HUF




Period for implementation of the project

01.04.2014 – 30.06.2015

Aim of the project

The direct aim of the project is to develop intercultural skills and English knowledge of local desk officers who are in direct contact with third country nationals legally residing in the territory of Hungary.

Indicators of the main activities

As a result of the two-module training (each 104 hours long) -which is the main element of the project - (1 intercultural training, 2 Arabic and Chinese culture) and 120 hours long English language training, as supplementary element at least 30 desk officers would work at the local customer services, who have intercultural knowledge and competence and 61 English speaking desk officers would work, who could get in contact with third country nationals easier. According to our plan at least 80 % of the participant would find the knowledge acquired during trainings useful in their work.

Financial assistance

Financial assistance: 31 750 513 HUF




Period for implementation of the project

01.01.2013 – 30.06.2014

Aim of the project

The aim of the project was to promote the appearance of the punctually formulated, objective articles and reports in order to increase Hungarian society’s public awareness in connection with the migration and integration.

Indicators of the main activities

The main elements of the project were the training of 86 journalists, television or radio technicians, school media students in order to have good groundings in the field of immigration and migration, for the participants would be compiled a press release per month, as well as to make questionnaire survey regarding the opinion about the media communication of the Office, to discuss it, based on that to compose a recommendation with development proposals.


Financial assistance

Financial assistance: 5 882 175 HUF



Period for implementation of the project

01.04.2013 – 30.06.2014

Aim of the project

The aim of the project was the development of the statistical system integrating relevant statistical data on third country nationals of the Office of Immigration and Nationality (supported by the Central Office for Administrative and Electronic Public Services), furthermore the coordination of the activity of governmental organizations dealing with data collection on third country nationals.

Indicators of the main activities

In the framework of the project a new statistical system was developed, which directly obtains data from the existing systems, so the establishment of the data connection between the statistical system and the special migration databases was necessary. With regard to the fact that development equally refers to the special systems of the Central Office for Administrative and Electronic Public Services, the COAEPS is involved as a project partner into the project. In addiction to the development professional forums were held every two month (total of 7 times) for experts working of National Tax and Customs Administration, National Health Insurance Fund Administration, Central Administration of National Pension Insurance, Hungarian Central Statistical Office, Public Employment Service, Ministry of Human Resources, the Central Office for Administrative and Electronic Public Services and the staff of the Office of Immigration and Nationality working in the field of statistics to discuss relevant and actual professional issues.

Financial assistance

Financial assistance: 102.304.947 HUF




Period for implementation of the project

01.10.2012. – 30.04.2014.

Aim of the project

The aim of the project was to create a customer- friendly and modern website with easy access to information and interactive surfaces in order to improve the communication between the customers and the Office by using the 21st century tools.

Indicators of the main activities

The main elements of the project were the survey of customer-needs , the website development of the Office, the creation of a customer-friendly and comprehensive content available on the website, making the full content available in two foreign languages (EN, DE) and creating a system ensured the continuous updating of the website

Financial assistance

Financial assistance: 8 615 298 HUF




Period for implementation of the project

01.01.2014. 01. 01. –30.06. 2015

Aim of the project

The aim of the project was to facilitate the efficiency if the authorization procedures and integration services more accessible to third country nationals through operating the OIN Call Centre and making the already existing information services available different languages.

Indicators of the main activities

A permanent Call Centre –operating with two employees- was established in the framework of the project, to where third country nationals entitled to reside here legally could ask for help and assistance in order to get information on different types of authorization procedures and to promote their social integration (such as information on the actual vocational and promotion of job-seeking projects granted by civil society organizations)

As a supplementary activity, the content of 30 information panels at the customer services would make available in seven languages (HU, EN, DE,  FR, RU, CHN, SR) supporting the smooth administration by the Office’s clients.

Financial assistance

Financial assistance: 16 141 237,00 HUF


Belügyi alapok
  • Belügyi alapok


    Az Országos Idegenrendészeti Főigazgatóság által az Európai Unió Belügyi Alapok társfinanszírozásával megvalósított projektekről bővebben itt olvashat.


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