
LOGO kicsi


Dear Clients,

We inform you that on 7 June 2023 (Wednesday) the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing Regional Directorate of Budapest and Pest County’s CLIENT SERVICES WILL BE CLOSED.

Thank you for your understanding.

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Dear clients,


Please be informed that due to technical problems, difficulties might occur while uploading applications.

Elimination of  technical problems are under process.


Thank you for your patience and understanding.



9 May 2023

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We kindly inform our dear Clients,


that the opening hours of the North Hungarian Regional Directorate of the National Directorate General for Aliens Policing in Eger will be suspended on Tuesday, April 11, 2023 due to technical reasons. On Thursday, April 13, we will welcome our customers as usual.

Thank you for your understanding!

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Information about the modification of the office hours


We would like to draw the attention of our clients that the office hours of the South Transdanubian Regional Directorate of the Directorate General for Aliens Policing in Pécs and Kaposvár offices will be modified

from 3 April 2023

as follows (the office hours of our Szekszárd customer service office will not change). Please note that all three of our offices will be closed on Fridays from April.


The office hours of the Pécs Customer Service Office:
















The office hours of the Kaposvár Customer Service Office:











Please be informed that the following applications can only be submitted electronically (via Enter Hungary – from 1 January 2023:

·         registration certificate (for EEA nationals),

·         residence card (for family members of EEA nationals)

·         permanent residence card (for EEA nationals),

·         long-term residence card (for family members of EEA nationals)

·         extension of residence permit (for third country nationals),

·         national and EC permanent residence permits,

·         notification of place of accommodation  

Please be informed that preferred employers, legal representatives and legal entities acting as representatives may also submit applications by electronic means only, except for applications which can only be submitted personally (applications submitted within Hungary with the indication of special circumstances and applications for residence permits which can be submitted at diplomatic missions).

If you contact us about a matter that requires a personal visit to our customer service office, we recommend you to book an appointment in advance on to reduce waiting times.

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LOGO kicsi

Dear Clients,


Pursuant to § 1 of the Government Decree no. 58/2023. (II. 28.), the validity date of the documents (i.e. residence permits) proving the identity and right of residence of foreign nationals who fled the Russian-Ukrainian war and are recognised as beneficiaries of temporary protection shall automatically change to 4 March 2024.


Pursuant to and as a result of the abovementioned specific provision in legislation, the residence permits issued for beneficiaries of temporary protection before 4 March 2023 are valid up until 4 March 2024 by force of the legislation, regardless that the end date of validity is being indicated as ‘4 March 2023’ on the documents.


Concerning these documents no further actions are required to be taken by the Clients.


Please follow the News section on the website of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing ( where up-to-date information is provided for Clients.



Дійсність документа тимчасового  захисту

                  продовжується ще на один рік!


                  Шановні Громадяни,


Прибувші до Угорщини внаслідок російсько-української війни,які розпоряджаються виданим й завіреним Угорщиною документом тимчасового захисту,що посвідчує особу та право на проживання , автоматично змінюється термін на 2024.03.04. року

B зв‘язку з Державним Законом 1. §-a 58/2023. (ІІ.28.) 

Відповідно і завдяки вищеописаному закону, немає різниці,що на ваших документах термін дійсності закінчується у 2023.03.04 році,тобто для біженців видані документи ,в звязку з законодавством продовжуються бути дійсними до 2024.03.04.


Надалі з цими документами вам нічого не потрібно робити.



Просимо вас слідкувати про нові інформації під пунктом «Новини» на нашому сайті Генеральної Дирекції (, де ми завжди надаємо актуальну інформацію для вас


2023. 03. 01.






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LOGO kicsi


Dear Interested Parties,


For the time being, no further actions are required from Clients regarding the validity of the documents certifying the recognition as beneficiary of temporary protection after the date of March. The relevant information shall be published on our website in all cases. Please follow the News section on the website of our Directorate-General where up-to-date information is provided for our Clients.


Thank you for your understanding.




Повідомлення особам тимчасового захисту!


Шановні зацікавлені!


Повідомляємо про те, що ті  хто під тимчасовим захистом в Угорщині, в кого  дійсність документів про визнання тимчасового захисту завершується протягом Березня (2023 р.) їм на даний момент не потрібно з цим нічого робити.У всіх випадках про відповідні інформації зможете дізнатися на нашому сайті.

Просимо слідкувати про нові інформації під пунктом «Новини» на нашому сайті Генеральної Дирекції, де ми завжди надаємо актуальну інформацію для кожного!


Дякуємо за розуміння

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LOGO kicsi

Dear Clients,


Please be informed that the following applications can only be submitted electronically (via Enter Hungary) from 1 January 2023:


- registration certificate,

- residence card,

- permanent residence card,

- long-term residence card,

- extension of residence permit,

- national and EC permanent residence permits,

- notification of place of accommodation  


Please be informed that preferred employers, legal representatives and legal entities acting as representatives may also submit applications by electronic means only, except for applications which can only be submitted in person in all cases (applications submitted within Hungary with the indication of special circumstances and applications for residence permits which can be submitted at diplomatic missions).We would also like to inform you that the request for the official endorsement of the invitation letter and the request for a residence permit for the purpose of visiting cannot be submitted from January 1, 2023.


We would also like to inform you that the request for the official endorsement of the invitation letter and the request for a residence permit for the purpose of visiting cannot be submitted from January 1, 2023.


In all cases clients are advised to check the website of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing beforehand.

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LOGO kicsi


Dear Client,


Please be informed that - following the previous practice - when booking an appointment with the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing (NDGAP) it is required to provide the name of the client concerned. In case you are acting as a legal representative or as an authorized representative, you are also required to provide the name of the client concerned in the procedure. In case of multiple clients - including families -, the name of each client must be provided. When booking an appointment the full name of the client (surname and first name) must be entered and if the procedure was initiated via EnterHungary the EH number (letter code EH with 7 or 8 digits) must be provided together with the name.


Appointments different from the above may be cancelled by the NDGAP. A notification of the cancellation will be sent by the NDGAP to the e-mail address provided at the time of booking.


Please note that we are only able to receive clients whose names are indicated in the reservation for the booked appointment. If a person different from the one indicated in the reservation appears at the booked time, the NDGAP is unable to receive him/her at the time booked. For clients appearing at NDGAP without an appointment described above client service will be provided in accordance with the general procedure.

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Dear Clients,


Please note that all of our client service offices will be open with unchanged opening hours between December 22, 2022 and January 6, 2023.

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Financial Assistance Program

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Home Affairs funds
  • Home Affairs funds


    For further information on the projects implemented by the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing and co-financed by the Home Affairs Funds of the European Union please click here.



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As it was specified by law the official decisions, which procedures started after 1 November 2005, are announced on the website of the Office of Immigration and Nationality. If there is no result with the provided data in the search engine below, please click on the HIRDETMENY link, and repeat the search on the interface that appears.