
LOGO kicsi

1. What does the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing do, who we can provide help for?

The National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing is a law enforcement body responsible for the entry and stay of foreign nationals in the territory of Hungary.


General information

The colleagues of the Directorate-General always provide information to the foreign nationals visiting any of the hotspots or client service offices of the Directorate-General based on individual circumstances. For this reason the information below can only be considered of a general informative nature.


In case you visit the hotspots or client services of the Directorate-General for administration, please bring your personal documents available (passport, residence permit, etc.) with you.


2. I am a Hungarian / dual (Hungarian-Ukrainian) citizen. Is it necessary to present/apply for any documents at the Directorate-General?

No, the Directorate-General issues residence document entitling its holder to reside in the territory of Hungary only to foreign i.e. non-Hungarian citizens. To the persons with Hungarian or Hungarian and Ukrainian citizenship, the same rights and obligations apply as to any Hungarian citizens.


Any persons in need of accommodation, food, medicine or any other type of aid can contact any of the following aid organisations:


3. I am a Ukrainian citizen. Where and what type of application should I submit for a legal stay in Hungary?

Ukrainian citizens in possession of a biometric (new type) passport can enter the territory of Hungary without a visa or being subject to other procedure. In case you have a passport or other personal document (identification card, driving license, birth certificate, or any other document with a photo), make sure to bring them with you.


Ukrainian citizens arriving from Ukraine with a passport (i.e. those who do not have Hungarian citizenship) may decide to stay in Hungary for 90 days without any specific permit. In case you would like to stay in Hungary for a longer period, or you would like to work or study here, you have to submit an application to the Directorate-General (please see in the red bar at the top on our website: 'Residence in Hungary).


Ukrainian citizens might also be entitled to receive temporary protection. Hungary can provide temporary protection (i.e. recognise as a beneficiary of temporary protection) to anyone being forced to flee Ukraine due to the armed conflict. Beneficiaries of temporary protection are entitled to a legal stay until the war is over.


Beneficiaries of temporary protection are not entitled to travel within the territory of the European Union or to legal stay in any other Member States.


Application for temporary protection can be submitted in persona in any of the designed hotspots 24 hours a day, or in any client service offices of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing during reception hours.


Where can the hotspots be found?



Name of the reception place

Housing capacity (persons)


Munkácsi út 2.

House of Culture  / Művelődési Ház



Kossuth út 19.

House of Culture / Művelődési Ház



Petőfi út 6.

Gym / Tornaterem



Iskola köz 2. szám

Sports Hall / Sportcsarnok



Szent István tér

Elementary School / Általános iskola




4. I live in Ukraine, I have legal residence there but I am not a Ukrainian citizen. What are my options?

Third-country nationals with legal residence in Ukraine (those who study, work, etc. there with a permit) but are not entitled to legally stay in Hungary, can chose from two options.

In case your return to your home country is arranged, you must indicate it to the authority (the Police or the Directorate-General), then the Directorate-General provides you with a document entitling you to a legal stay in Hungary until the date of your departure. We suggest this option to those who can presumably leave Hungary within 1 or 2 weeks.

To those who wish to leave Hungary, the IOM (International Organization for Migration) can provide help. In case a bigger group (i.e. more than 20 persons) wishes to return home with a charter flight, they should contact the Coercive Measures and Returns Unit of the Aliens Policing Directorate of the Directorate-General ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) for further information.

In case someone is unable to leave Hungary, they also have the opportunity to apply for temporary protection.

Please bring the documents supporting your legal stay in Ukraine in all cases!


5. My stay in Ukraine was already illegal. What can I do?

In case you are not entitled to legally stay in Hungary and you can’t verify your legal stay in Ukraine, you have to leave the territory on Hungary as soon as possible. The aliens policing procedure for this matter will be initiated by the Directorate-General without delay, helping you in this way to return to your home country as soon as possible.


6. I got a decision of a stay in a designated place. What does this mean?

A compulsory place of stay may be designated both in the aliens policing and asylum procedure which is subject to strict rules of conduct. In this case you shall be available at the designated place of stay, and if the decision contains such provision, you shall not leave the administrative territory of the county.

Please note that everyone shall comply with the Hungarian law, for this reason the violation of the rules of conduct for the designated place of stay results in sanction and may lead to infraction procedure, as well as – in case of repeated infraction – may result in the ordering of aliens policing or asylum detention.


7. Client services of the Directorate-General:

The contact information and reception hours of the client services of the Directorate-General can be found on the website of the Directorate-General, under Contacts → Contact details of the regional offices, as well as on the following link: Contact details of the regional offices




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Dear Clients!


Please note that all of our offices will be CLOSED for the national holiday on the 14th and 15th of March 2022.


Thank you for your understanding!

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Dear Clients! 


Please be informed that our REGIONAL DIRECTORATE OF CENTRAL TRANSDANUBIA  Tatabánya’s  Client service (2800 Tatabánya, Győri út 13.)  will be available again from  31.01.2022.


National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing


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Dear Clients,


Please be informed that the fees payable for aliens policing procedures covered by Act II of 2007 on the Admission and Right of Residence of Third-Country Nationals and Act I of 2007 on the Admission and Right of Residence of Persons with the Right of Free Movement are to change as follows as of 22 January 2022. In the light of the above, please be advised to read the amended procedure fees and note that the following fees apply to applications lodged or aliens policing proceedings initiated after 00:00, 22 January 2022. Please be informed that the fees for each procedure will also be amended in the detailed information on the website, by type of permits.


Thank you for your cooperation.


Fees for admission and residence procedures for persons with the right of free movement and residence, and for third-country nationals

1. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing a residence permit and the procedure for issuing a visa entitling its holder to collect a residence permit is EUR 110.

2. The administrative service fee charged for an appeal against a decision on an application for issuing a residence permit and a decision on an application for issuing a visa entitling its holder to collect a residence permit is EUR 160 if the appeal is lodged at a diplomatic or consular mission.

3. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing a residence permit is HUF 39,000 if submitted in Hungary.

4. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing a residence permit for which the application is lodged electronically via the immigration authority’s electronic information system and procedure initiation platform (‘Enter Hungary’: is HUF 24,000 if submitted in Hungary.

5. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for the extension of a residence permit is HUF 35,000.

6. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for the extension of a residence permit for which the application was lodged electronically via the immigration authority’s electronic information system and procedure initiation platform (‘Enter Hungary’: is HUF 23,000.

7. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing a residence permit in case of an application for the replacement of the document is HUF 20,000.

8.  The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing a residence permit in case of an application for the exchange of the document is HUF 20,000.

9. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing an ‘EU Blue Card’ is HUF 38,000 if submitted in Hungary.

10. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing an ‘EU Blue Card’ for which the application was lodged electronically via the immigration authority’s electronic information system and procedure initiation platform (‘Enter Hungary’: is HUF 26,000 if submitted in Hungary.

11. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for the extension of an ‘EU Blue Card’ is HUF 35,000.

12. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for the extension of an ‘EU Blue Card’ for which the application was lodged electronically via the immigration authority’s electronic information system and procedure initiation platform (‘Enter Hungary’: is HUF 23,000.

13. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing an ‘EU Blue Card’ in case of an application for the replacement of the document is HUF 20,000.

14. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing an ‘EU Blue Card’ in case of an application for substitute document is HUF 20,000.

15. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for the replacement of a document entitling to residence and the procedure for issuing a visa entitling its holder to collect a residence permit is EUR 90 if the application is lodged at a diplomatic or consular mission..  



Administrative service fees charged for procedures for documents certifying immigrant or permanent resident status


1. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for the extension of a            document certifying immigrant status is HUF 20,000.

2. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing a document certifying immigrant status in case of an application for the replacement of the document is HUF 20,000.

3.  The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing a  document certifying immigrant status in case of an application for substitute document is HUF 20,000.

4. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for the extension of a permanent residence permit is HUF 20,000.

5. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing a permanent residence permit in case of an application for the replacement of the document is HUF 20,000.

6. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing a   permanent residence permit   in case of an application for substitute document is HUF 20,000.

7. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing an ’Interim Permanent Residence Permit’ is HUF 39,000.

8. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing an ’Interim Permanent Residence Permit’ for which the application was lodged electronically via the immigration authority’s electronic information system and procedure initiation platform (‘Enter Hungary’: is HUF 25,000.

9. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for the extension of an ‘Interim Permanent Residence Permit’ is HUF 20,000.

10. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing an ‘Interim Permanent Residence Permit’ in case of an application for the replacement of the document is HUF 20,000.

11. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing an ‘Interim Permanent Residence Permit’ in case of an application for substitute document is HUF 20,000.

12. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing a ‘National Permanent Residence Permit’ is HUF 39,000.

13. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing a ‘National Permanent Residence Permit’ for which the application was lodged electronically via the immigration authority’s electronic information system and procedure initiation platform (‘Enter Hungary’: is HUF 25,000.

14. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for the extension of            a ‘National Permanent Residence Permit’ is HUF 20,000.

15. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing a ‘National Permanent Residence Permit’ in case of an application for the replacement of the document is HUF 20,000.

16. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing a ‘National Permanent Residence Permit’ in case of an application for substitute document is HUF 20,000.

17. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing an ‘EC Permanent Residence Permit’ is HUF 39,000.

18. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing an ‘EC Permanent Residence Permit’ for which the application was lodged electronically via the immigration authority’s electronic information system and procedure initiation platform (‘Enter Hungary’: is HUF 25,000.

19. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for the extension of            an ‘EC Permanent Residence Permit’ is HUF 20,000.

20. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing an ‘EC Permanent Residence Permit’ in case of an application for the replacement of the document is HUF 20,000.

21. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing an ‘EC Permanent Residence Permit’ in case of an application for substitute document is HUF 20,000.

22. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing a ‘National Permanent Residence Permit’ is EUR 110 if the application is lodged at a diplomatic or consular mission.  

23. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for the replacement of a residence permit and the procedure for issuing a visa entitling its holder to collect a residence permit is EUR 90 if the application is lodged at a diplomatic or consular mission. 

24. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for the extension of            a ’National Permanent Residence Permit’ is EUR 60 if the application is lodged at a diplomatic or consular mission. 

Administrative service fees charged for procedures for issuing travel documents:

1. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing a passport issued to a stateless person is HUF 12,000.

2. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for the extension of   a passport issued to a stateless person is HUF 10,000.

3. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing a passport issued to a stateless person in case of an application for the replacement of the document is HUF 12,000.

4. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing a passport issued to a stateless person in case of an application for substitute document is HUF 10,000.

5. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing a passport issued to a person with immigrant or permanent resident status is HUF 12,000.

6. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing a passport            issued to a person with immigrant or permanent resident status        in case of an application for the replacement of the document is HUF 12,000.

7. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing a passport issued to a person with immigrant or permanent resident status in case of an application for the exchange of the document is HUF 10,000.

8. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing a travel document entitling its holder to a single entry to Hungary (‘single-entry visa’) is HUF 12,000 if submitted in Hungary.

Other administrative service fees:

1. The administrative service fee charged for providing an official endorsement to an invitation letter is HUF 16,000.

2. The administrative service fee charged for providing an official endorsement to an invitation letter for which the application was lodged electronically via the immigration authority’s electronic information system and procedure initiation platform (‘Enter Hungary’: is HUF 9,000.

3. The fee charged for lodging an appeal is HUF 47,000.

4. The fee charged for issuing an official certificate is HUF 3,000.


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Dear Clients,


Please be informed that new rules have been introduced regarding the validity period of residence documents.


Residence documents, residence permits and immigration permit documents, with the exception of short-stay visas and visas for the purpose of obtaining a residence permit, issued in accordance with Act I of 2007 on the Admission and Residence of Persons with the Right of Free Movement and Residence and Act II of 2007 on the Admission and Right of Residence of Third-Country Nationals, having expired or expiring between 4 November 2020 and 28 February 2022, are valid until 30 June 2022. In view of the above, applications for the renewal of documents which expired or are due to expire during the period indicated must be submitted no later than 30 June 2022.


We would also like to inform you that the validity of documents (residence documents, residence permits and immigration permit documents, with the exception of short-stay visas and visas for the purpose of obtaining a residence permit) expiring on or after 1 March 2022 will no longer be automatically extended. Applications for the renewal of residence permits or residence cards expiring on or after 1 March 2022 shall be submitted to the competent regional directorate on the form provided for that purpose, no later than 30 days before the expiry date of the residence permit or residence card.


Please note that if a deadline or due date is missed, an application for excuse needs to be presented. The application for excuse must be submitted within 5 days after becoming aware of the failure or after the removal of the obstacle, but no later than 30 days calculated from the due date or the last day of the time limit.


Thank you for your cooperation.

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Dear  Clients!


Please be informed that our Client Services all over the country are accepting clients until 12 o’clock on 23rd december 2021, and we will be closed on 24th and 31st of december.


Thank you for understanding.

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Dear Clients!


Please be informed, the client reception will be open on Saturday, December 11, 2021. The opening hours same as on Fridays.

The online appointment booking is not possible for this day.


Thank you for your understanding.

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Dear Clients!


Please be informed, for the prevention of spreading of the corona virus, from 3rd November 2021 in all of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing client service offices and buildings, while entering and staying, it is mandatory to wear a mask and to use hand sanitizer. Furthermore, we request our clients to comply with the mandatory health provisions, in case of fever or flu symptons, please do not use our client service offices, and prioratize the electronical options.

We draw your attention, that at our client services it is mandatory to keep 1,5m distance from each other, and in the  regulation we take into account to limit the number of people at the client service. We apologize for the inconvenience.


Thank you for your understanding!


Budapest, 2 November 2021

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Dear Clients!


Please be informed that in order to avoid the spreading of corona virus, from 19th of October 2021 in all our client service offices and buildings, it is mandatory to wear a mask and to use hand sanitizer.


Thank you for your understanding!


18 October 2021

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on applications for national permanent residence permits by nationals of the United Kingdom and their family members


Please note that registration certificates and permanent residence cards issued to UK nationals, as well as residence cards and permanent residence cards issued to family members of UK nationals are valid up until 31 December 2021.


Please note that UK nationals and their family members who were legally residing in Hungary before the end of the transitional period are entitled to obtain a national permanent residence permit as beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement (holders of a registration certificate, a residence card, a permanent residence card, or who were habitually residing in Hungary before 1 January 2021). They may submit an application for a national permanent residence permit until 31 December 2021, either in person or electronically via the Enter Hungary system.


In view of the above, please submit your application for a national permanent residence permit electronically via the Enter Hungary system as soon as possible.

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Home Affairs funds
  • Home Affairs funds


    For further information on the projects implemented by the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing and co-financed by the Home Affairs Funds of the European Union please click here.



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As it was specified by law the official decisions, which procedures started after 1 November 2005, are announced on the website of the Office of Immigration and Nationality. If there is no result with the provided data in the search engine below, please click on the HIRDETMENY link, and repeat the search on the interface that appears.


OIF logó nagyonnagyonkicsi