Bevándorlási és Állampolgársági Hivatal


Information on how to submit an application for recognition as beneficiary of temporary protection and use the electronic data recording platform

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Information on how to submit an application for recognition as beneficiary of temporary protection and use the electronic data recording platform



Upon request, Hungary may grant temporary protection (recognition as beneficiary of temporary protection) to Ukrainian citizens who fled Ukraine on or after 24 February 2022, to persons recognised by Ukraine as stateless persons or refugees, and to family members of such persons.


The person applying for recognition as beneficiary of temporary protection must prove before the asylum authority that he/she fulfils one of the above conditions.

  1. 1.Electronic data recording

In order to speed up the application process, the asylum authority shall allow applicants to provide their data to the asylum authority in advance by uploading them via the following interface.


Please note that recording your data electronically does not equal to submitting an application. You are still required to appear in person before the asylum authority after you have recorded your data electronically. Given the need to verify the identity of the applicant for recognition as beneficiary of temporary protection and to take a facial photograph of him/her and his/her fingerprints, the applicant’s appearance in person may not be waived.


1.1  Who may use the electronic data recording platform?


The electronic data recording platform has been developed only with regard to the large number of people fleeing to Hungary due to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and data may only be uploaded in relation to an application for recognition as beneficiary of temporary protection.


Only persons who fled Ukraine on or after 24 February 2022 are entitled to use the electronic data recording platform:

-          Ukrainian nationals; or

-          Persons who were previously lived in Ukraine as stateless persons (i.e. who do not have a citizenship) or refugees (i.e. who are citizens of another country but were recognised as a refugee by Ukraine; or

-          Third-country national family members of Ukrainian nationals, stateless persons or refugees (i.e. a spouse, a registered partner, children under the age of 18, a dependent relative who was supported by the Ukrainian national, e.g. an elderly parent, a sick sibling).


1.2. Who may not use the electronic data recording platform?

Ukrainian citizens who entered the territory of Hungary before 24 February 2022 are not entitled to apply for recognition as beneficiary of temporary protection, but they can arrange their stay within the territory of Hungary by other means.

For this reason, they are kindly requested to contact the regional directorate of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing as per your place of accommodation in order to arrange their stay in Hungary.


1.3 What happens if I do not wish to apply for recognition as beneficiary of temporary protection after the electronic recording?


If you decide not to submit an application for recognition as a beneficiary of temporary protection after uploading your data on the electronic data recording platform, then there are no further steps taken by you.


The asylum authority will store the uploaded data to the electronic platform until 31 December 2023 and then delete it. The previous cancellation of your data is possible as set out in the General Data Protection Notice.


2. Submitting the application


For the purpose of applying for recognition as a beneficiary of temporary protection, applicants are also required to appear in person at the asylum authority or a government client service office (i.e. „Kormányablak”) after uploading their data. In case of families, it is also essential that family members appear before the authority at the same time for administration. If the applications of the family members are not submitted together, the family members who have already been recognised as beneficiary of temporary protection are required to be indicated.


2.1 What is the use of recording data electronically if I need to appear in person nonetheless?


Electronic data recording gives the authority the possibility to inform the applicant if necessary (e.g. remedy) at the e-mail address provided in the electronic data recording platform. As a result of successful electronic data recording, the time of administration will be reduced and the application for recognition as beneficiary of temporary protection also can be submitted at the government client service office.



2.2. Where shall I submit the application for recognition as beneficiary of temporary protection?


An applicant who provided his/her data to the asylum authority via the electronic data recording platform can also submit the application for recognition as beneficiary of temporary protection in person at any government client service office.


The application for recognition as beneficiary of temporary protection can be submitted in person at the client service office of the regional directorate of National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing as per the place of accommodation during office hours, information on which can be found at the following link:


In Budapest the application for recognition as beneficiary of temporary protection can be submitted at the Client Service Office of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing at Building A, 1117 Budapest, 60 Budafoki Street.

Office hours of the Client Service Office:


From Monday to Thursday:           8:00-14:00

On Friday:                                        8:00-11:30



Please note that in case a larger group (more than 10 persons) of applicants is expected to appear in person, it is advised to contact the relevant regional directorate in advance to avoid waiting for long.


2.3 What (documents) shall I take with me to submit my application in person?


When appearing in person, it is important that clients shall bring the completed form ( and their passport/other available personal documents (in the absence of a passport, ID card, birth certificate, etc.).


2.4 Procedure for submitting the application

The asylum authority will verify and record the basic personal data, contained in the application form completed and signed by the applicant appearing in person (e.g. name, date of birth, nationality, marital status etc.), the place and time of crossing the border, the address of his/her accommodation in Hungary, as well as take a facial photograph of him/her and, in the case of a person over 14 years of age, his/her fingerprints.

The asylum authority verifies the identity of the applicant for recognition as beneficiary of temporary protection, mainly by means of the documents presented by him/her (e.g. his/her passport, personal identification card, driving licence, birth certificate, etc.) and other documents.  

The application for recognition as beneficiary of temporary protection shall be deemed to have been submitted after verifying and recording of the applicant’s identity and biometric data.



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