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Information for diplomatic missions accredited to Hungary

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In view of the war situation in Ukraine, taking humanitarian considerations into account, Hungary allows the border crossing of third country nationals fleeing from Ukraine with consideration of the following. 

After entering, foreign nationals are required to declare their intention to the police officers registering them on the spot, primarily at border crossing points or registration points, whether they intend to return to their home country or continue their travel onwards.


In case foreign nationals not meeting the entry conditions[1] are not registered (on the spot) due to the large number of persons entering the territory of Hungary or other reasons, foreign nationals are required to visit the competent regional office of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing (hereinafter referred to as NDGAP) as per their place of accommodation in Hungary during opening hours and declare their intention in order to facilitate the processing of a procedure relevant in their case and the issuance of a certificate. The contact details of NDGAP (locations and opening hours) are available on the website: www.oif.gov.hu.


NDGAP may also provide the possibility to receive larger groups of nationals of a foreign country (min. 20 persons) at a prearranged time and location, subject to prior agreement with the diplomatic mission(s) and/or consular post(s). If you wish to make use of this option, please send an e-mail to  Ez az e-mail cím a spamrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.  to arrange the details.


In order to speed up the administration process, please ensure that all persons who appear before NDGAP can present their travel documents upon their appearance. In case a foreign national does not have travel documents, please, provide the foreign national with a return document necessary for identification purposes prior to their appearance before NDGAP.


Third country nationals appearing before NDGAP will be issued a Certificate of Temporary Residence valid for 30 days; within the validity period third country nationals are required to leave Hungary. If a third country national fails to leave the territory of Hungary within the validity period of a Certificate of Temporary Residence, despite all his/her efforts, the third country national is required to appear before NDGAP again within the period of validity of the document. Please note that a Certificate of Temporary Residence issued by NDGAP only entitles its holder to a stay within the territory of Hungary. It is therefore recommended that the persons concerned leave the territory of the European Union by air from Hungary.


Please note that if a third country national has not been provided with a Certificate of Temporary Residence but leaves Hungary within a short period of time (up to one week), the lack of a Certificate of Temporary Residence will not restrain his/her exit; therefore, appearing before NDGAP is not necessary for foreign nationals to obtain a Certificate of Temporary Residence in such a case.


For those non-Ukraine third-country nationals who are not able to leave Hungary within the validity period of the issued certificate of temporary residence, there is a possibility to apply for a support ensured by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) or by the authority.


Further information on the assisted voluntary return program can be reached at https://hungary.iom.int/. Within the programme, IOM can ensure flight tickets and if needed for entry to the country of destination, COVID-19 testing. Applications can be submitted at: www.volret.hu.


Third-country nationals can also apply for support regarding return at our authority. After applying at our authority, we will ensure a flight ticket and if needed COVID-19 testing after consulting. Applications can be submitted by sending an e-mail to Ez az e-mail cím a spamrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát. . In the e-mail please include the name of the returnee, the current place of stay, the country of destination where he/she wishes to return back in English or in Hungarian and please attach a copy of the data page of the travel document. In case the number of applications with the same destination country justifies it, the authority may consider organizing a charter flight.


NDGAP kindly requests the cooperation of the diplomatic missions and consular posts to facilitate and support the return of their citizens within the period of validity of the Certificate of Temporary Residence and to notify NDGAP at  Ez az e-mail cím a spamrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.  in case of any arising problems or obstacles.


Contact information for IOM and the “Hungarian Assisted Voluntary Return, Reintegration and Information Programme”:

Hotline available in various languages free of charge within the territory of Hungary: +36 80 205 018

E-mail: Ez az e-mail cím a spamrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát. , Ez az e-mail cím a spamrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.

Website: www.volret.hu

[1] i.e. foreign nationals who are not entitled to a visa-free stay based on their travel document, and who do not have a Schengen Visa or a residence permit

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