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I. Citizens of the EEA (citizens of the European Union, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland)

Registration Certificate: 1.000 HUF (can only be submitted electronically, through the EnterHungary)


  1. It is free of charge and do not pay if you are a student with Hungarian State Scholarship


II. Third country nationals (Non EEA/EU citizens)


  1. Issuance of first residence permit if the application is submitted in person at our client service in Hungary: 39.000 HUF
  2. Issuance of first residence permit if the application is submitted at a Hungarian Embassy: 160 EUR
  3. Issuance of first residence permit if the application is submitted through the EnterHungray in Hungary: 24.000 HUF
  4. Extension of residence permit (can be submitted only through the EnterHungary): 23.000 HUF
  5. Replacement or substitution of residence permit submitted in person at our client service: 20.000 HUF
  6. Issuance of student mobility certificate is free of charge


     The application is free of charge for third country nationals in the following cases:


  1. the third country national is a student with state scholarhip (e.g. Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship, Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People (SCYP) etc.)
  2. for Ukrainian citizens (residence permit issuance and extension for all purposes)
  3. for Belarussian citizens (if applying for issuance/extension of residence permit for the purpose of studies/employment)


Utoljára frissítve:

Belügyi alapok
  • Belügyi alapok


    Az Országos Idegenrendészeti Főigazgatóság által az Európai Unió Belügyi Alapok társfinanszírozásával megvalósított projektekről bővebben itt olvashat.


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Az Országos Idegenrendészeti Főigazgatóság a 2005. november 1-jét követően indult eljárásokban hatósági döntéseit a jogszabályban meghatározott esetekben hirdetményi úton honlapján is közzéteszi. Amennyiben a lenti keresőbe beírt adatokkal nincs találat, kérem, kattintson a HIRDETMENY linkre és ismételje meg a keresést a megjelenő felületen.


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