Cikkek (359)







Regulation (EU) 2018/1806 of the European Parliament and of the Council






Macedonia the Former Yugoslav Republic


United Arab Emirates

Antigua and Barbuda




Bosnia and Herzegovina1




The Bahamas




Costa Rica










Saint Kitts and Nevis

South Korea

Saint Lucia2




Marshall Islands2






New Zealand





Serbia (except for persons holding a Serbian passport issued by the Serbian Coordination Directorate [in Serbian: Koordinaciona uprava])1

Solomon Islands

Seychelles Islands


San Marino


East Timor2


Trinidad and Tobago



United Kingdom (except British nationals mentioned in Part 3)

United States


Apostolic Holy See

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines2








Hong Kong - Special Administrative Region

Macao - Special Administrative Region





British Nationals (Overseas)

British Overseas Territories Citizens

British Overseas Citizens

British Protected Persons

Members of the British Commonwealth (British Subjects)







Kategória: Cikkek





Residence permit for guest self-employment


1)Which third-country national is eligible to be granted a residence permit for guest self-employment?


A residence permit for guest self-employment may be granted to a third-country national

a)who wishes to pursue activities which can be performed independently, for remuneration (e.g., as a self-employed person)

b)who wishes to undertake act as a chief executive of a business organisation, cooperative or other legal entity established for the purpose of gainful activity (hereinafter collectively referred to as business organisation)


If you wish to carry out actual work in the company beyond the scope of activity described in Point b), you must submit an application for a residence permit for the purpose of employment (for more information, please click here) or an application for the issuance of a  Hungarian Card as a highly qualified employee (for more information, please click here).

Please note that if you are already a holder of a residence permit issued for the purpose of guest self-employment, you cannot apply for a residence permit for the purpose of employment in Hungary or for a Hungarian Card in Hungary.

Definition of third-country nationals:

  • ·Non-Hungarian nationals who are not persons with the right of free movement and residence, i.e. who are not EEA national or a family members of an EEA national, and
  • ·stateless persons

qualify as third-country nationals.


2)Where can clients submit their applications?


I.Application for the issuance of a residence permit


a)Application submission outside of Hungary


If you are not allowed to enter the territory of Hungary visa free, your application for the issuance of a residence permit is to be submitted outside of Hungary. 


Your application may also be submitted only outside of Hungary, if you are allowed to enter the territory of Hungary visa free but you were a holder of a residence permit for guest self-employment, and the validity of your document expired; i.e. you are not applying for the issuance of a residence permit for guest self-employment for the first time.


You may submit an application before a diplomatic or consular foreign mission of Hungary in the country of your nationality or your habitual place of residence. Please be advised to contact the competent foreign mission of Hungary to inquire for further information, if there are any other places authorised to receive applications for a residence permit. Such application receiving places are constituted by e.g. honorary consuls, trade representations, and external service providers.  


If there are not any consulates or other types of places receiving application in the country of your nationality or your habitual place of residence, in exceptional cases, you may submit an application in the country where you are staying legally in case you can provide proof of the reasons of your exceptional application submission.


Submitting an application for a visa separately is not required, as an application for the issuance of a residence permit comprises an application for a visa entitling its holder to collect the respective residence permit.


b)Application submission within the territory of Hungary


When can an application for the issuance of a residence permit be submitted within the territory of Hungary?


If you are allowed to enter the territory of Hungary visa free  due to your nationality, and you are not a holder of a residence permit, during your legal stay, you may submit an application for the first time issuance of a residence permit for guest self-employment within the territory of Hungary as well.


Application submission in Hungary is available:

  • ·if you are a holder of a valid extended residence permit for guest self-employment, due to which the approved time of residence, maximised in three years by law, is about to expire.

Please note that in such a case, application submission is only available at least 40 days prior to the date of expiry of the residence permit concerned.

  • ·if you are a holder of a valid residence permit for the purpose of seeking a job or starting a business.


How can applications for a residence permit be submitted in Hungary?


Application submission in Hungary is available:

  • ·by electronic means via the electronic information system and procedure initiation platform of Enter Hungary, which is available by clicking here, or
  • ·in person, before the competent regional directorate of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing (hereinafter: NDGAP) as per the applicant’s place of accommodation. Contact details of the regional directorates and further information are available by clicking here.


Please note that application submission is available only via the Enter Hungary platform if your attorney-in-fact is a legal representative or a legal person.


II.Application for the extension of a residence permit


Applications for the extension of a residence permit for guest self-employment may only be submitted by the procedure initiation platform of Enter Hungary, which is available by clicking here.


Please note that extension of a residence permit is only possible for a period not exceeding 3 years from the date of first issuance of the permit. If you wish to reside within the territory of Hungary with a residence permit for guest self-employment longer, you may submit an application for the issuance of a residence permit in Hungary at least 40 days prior to the date of expiry of your residence permit.


Furthermore, please be informed that the extension of the residence permit is only possible if

  • ·you are a holder of a valid residence permit for guest self-employment at the time of application submission,
  • ·you resided within the territory of Hungary with your residence permit at least for 90 days in any 180-day period.
  • ·you have fulfilled your regular reporting obligation to the immigration authorities after the issuanve of the residence permit.

Please note that an application for the extension of a residence permit is to be submitted at least 30 days prior to the date of expiry of the issued residence permit.


3)Additional information on application submission


For submission of an application in person, applicants are required to complete the application form correctly in full and to submit the completed document with their signature. The form is available by clicking here and the appendix here.

In Word format: click here or here.

For submission of an application via the platform of Enter Hungary, the full and correct completion of the electronic application form is required, which is available on the platform. The platform of Enter Hungary is available by clicking here.


For the purpose of the issuance of a residence permit comprising biometric data, a facial photograph and fingerprint of the applicant will be taken.


An application submitted via the platform of Enter Hungary is deemed to have been received by the immigration authority, if the administrative service fee has been paid, and the facial photograph and fingerprint of the applicant is taken and signature specimen of the applicant is recorded within 15 days from the date of receipt. The immigration authority will send out a notification when your application is deemed to have been received.


4)Administrative service fee for the procedure


For information on administrative service fees for procedures, please click here.


5)What are the mandatory attachments/enclosures of an application


For the approval of your application for a residence permit, you are required to meet conditions for entry and residence in Hungary, during the procedures mandatory attachments/enclosures may serve as proof of meeting the set conditions.

Please make sure completion of the attachments/enclosures is in full and check all documents before submission, supporting the soonest possible processing and examination of your application.


Documents in proof of the purpose of residence


The following documents may serve as proof of the purpose of residence:

  • ·registration number of the self-employed person,
  • ·small-scale farmer/producer certificate,
  • ·detailed declaration of business activity,
  • ·contract of services, business or user contract concluded as a private individual,
  • ·any other credible piece of evidence.

If activities are performed as a registered self-employed person, the following documents may serve as proof of the purpose of residence:


  • ·a certificate from the tax authority stating that the annual income from self-employment exceeds the current minimum wage 24 times, and
  • ·a certificate stating that you do not owe any taxes or contributions.


One of the following must be proved if you perform activities as a chief executive of a business organisation:

  • ·the business organisation has been legally employing at least five Hungarian nationals or persons with the right of free movement and residence on a full-time basis for at least six consecutive months without interruption, or
  • ·your residence in Hungary is essential for the operation of the business organisation and, based on the detailed declaration of business activity attached to the application, it is likely that you shall generate an income sufficient even for the subsistence of the business organisation.


Content the detailed declaration of business activity must be supported by credible evidence, in particular, by a business contract, contract of services, agreement, sales contract, purchase contract.


If activities are performed as a chief executive of a business organisation, the following documents may serve as proof of the purpose of residence:

  • ·certificate from the tax authority, according to which the business company has no tax and contribution debts and is not subject to enforcement or liquidation proceedings, and
  • ·the business organisation has fulfilled its obligations to register all employees with the immigration authority and to pay taxes and contributions.


Documents in proof of means of subsistence in Hungary


One of the following documents must be submitted as proof that the applicant has sufficient resources, i.e. (s)he can cover costs related to his/her subsistence, accommodation, return/onward travel (i.e. exit from Hungary) and healthcare services from legally acquired income and savings:

  • ·a certificate from a credit institution under the applicant’s name (e.g. a bank account statement, an account statement on savings or stocks and bonds, bank balance statement),
  • ·a document on regular income issued by the tax authority,
  • ·any other credible piece of evidence (e.g., minutes of the meeting of members on income, a detailed declaration of business activity)


Documents proving that the applicant has a place of accommodation in Hungary


One of the following documents must be submitted as proof that the applicant is the owner of a residential property suitable for habitation, or (s)he has legal title to use such a real estate:

  • ·a residential lease contract,
  • ·a document on accommodation provision by courtesy,
  • ·a document in proof of ownership of the residential property,
  • ·a document in proof of the reservation of accommodation and payment for it.


Documents proving that the applicant has health insurance


Documentary evidence must be submitted as proof that the applicant has access to comprehensive health insurance services covering all healthcare services or that (s)he can cover the costs of such services.

An applicant meets this condition in the following cases:

  • ·(s)he qualifies as a person with health insurance services under social security,
  • ·(s)he has access to the Hungarian health insurance services within the framework of an international convention/treaty or agreement,
  • ·(s)he can cover the costs of his/her healthcare services based on documents in proof of his/her means of subsistence available in Hungary.


Documents proving that the applicant meets the conditions of exit (i.e. conditions to a return/onward travel)


Meeting the conditions of exit may be proved by:

  • ·a valid passport,
  • ·having a valid ticket/valid tickets for the relevant travel or the amount of money to cover the costs of the travel.


Other required documents


  • ·Attaching/enclosing 1 facial photograph to/with the application is required.


In case of an extension, attaching/enclosing documents on unchanged conditions again is not required.


6)Time period of procedural administration


Time period for procedural administration: 21 days.


In addition to mandatory attachments/enclosures, NDGAP may request the submission of further documents for clarification of facts of the case or implement other procedural conducts.


The period for remedying deficiencies (e.g. submission of missing documents) and for the implementation of various other procedural conducts is not comprised in the time period of the procedural administration. 


7)Receiving the residence permit document


If you submitted your application for a residence permit before a foreign diplomatic or consular mission of Hungary and the regional directorate approves your application for a residence permit, it shall constitute approval for the issuance of an entry visa entitling its holder to receive a residence permit, of which the competent Hungarian consulate shall be notified by the regional directorate.

The entry visa entitling its holder to receive a residence permit shall be issued by the competent consulate officer.

Please note that type "D" visa entitling the applicant to receive his/her residence permit is a single-entry visa authorising a stay of not more than 30 days and is valid for 3 months.

Please note that if you do not enter the territory of Hungary within 3 months from the date of approval of the issuance of your residence permit and do not start your approved residence, the approved residence permit becomes invalid and the approval of your accrued right of entry and residence ceases.


A residence permit document shall be delivered by way of post to the address indicated as place of delivery in the application form.


Please note that receiving your document before NDGAP’s regional directorate in person is only allowed if you prove that you are not in a position to receive the document at the address indicated as place of delivery in your application.


8)How long is the validity period of the permit?


The validity period of the document is maximised in 1 year, which can be extended for the same purpose for a period not exceeding 2 years, but cannot be more than 3 years from the date of first issuance.


Please note that the validity period of the residence permit must be determined so that the travel document of the third-country national remains valid for at least another 3 months following the date of expiry of the approved stay.


9)Further information


  • ·Regular reporting obligation


Foreign nationals holding a residence permit issued for the purpose of guest self-employment shall be subject to the regular reporting obligation laid down by NDGAP. You can do this via Enter Hungary, by completing and sending the regular declaration for this purpose, or by using the application for this purpose.

Please note that your reporting obligation can also be fulfilled via E-Paper Service as long as fulfilling reporting obligations via the Enter Hungary system is not available.


  • ·Submitting an application for a residence permit for another purpose within the territory of Hungary


During the validity period of the residence permit and after its date of expiry, application for the issuance of a residence permit under another legal title is not allowed in Hungary.


  • ·Family reunification


For a period of 1 year from the date of issue of a residence permit for guest self-employment, family members of a third-country national who is a holder of or an applicant for a residence permit for guest self-employment may not be granted a residence permit for family reunification, except for residence permits that are re-issued after 3 years.

An exception to this is if a third-country national holding a residence permit for guest self-employment gives birth to a third-country national child in Hungary during the period of validity of the residence permit, as in this case the child will receive a residence permit issued for the purpose of family reunification after notification on the child’s birth.


  • ·Long-term residence


Third-country nationals who are holders of a residence permit for guest self-employment may not be granted a national residence card.


  • ·Appeal


In case of refusal, the decision may be appealed within 8 days of delivery, submitted to the authority of first instance, or at the Hungarian diplomatic or consular foreign mission where the application was submitted.


Please note that the authority shall dismiss the appeal without any examination as to merits in the following cases:

-  the appeal is received after the deadline,

-  the appeal is not submitted by an authorised person,

-  the applicant introduces and refers to new facts of the case, of which (s)he was aware before the decision was taken,

-  the appeal is submitted without indicating its grounds or cause.


For information on reporting obligations, please click here. 


Kategória: Cikkek





Residence permit for guest workers



1)Which third-country nationals are eligible to be granted a residence permit for guest workers?


Guest workers

  • ·whose purpose of residence is to perform actual work for or under the direction of others, for remuneration, under contract for employment relationship, including employment via temporary work agency,
  • ·whose employer is registered as a preferential employer or a qualified temporary work agency (i.e. lender of labour force),
  • ·who are nationals of a third country as defined in a Government Decree, and
  • ·who undertake work under employment not precluded by the Communication by the minister responsible for employment policy.



may be granted a residence permit for guest workers.


Preferential employers are:

  • ·strategic partners of the Government of Hungary,
  • ·employers who are carrying out an investment of outstanding significance for the national economy of Hungary,
  • ·employers who qualify as a partner under the Outstanding Exporter Partnership Programme.


Qualified temporary work agencies (i.e. lenders of labour force) are: employers who are registered in the Registry of qualified temporary work agencies as defined in Government Decree.


Definition of third-country nationals:

  • ·Non-Hungarian nationals who are not persons with the right of free movement and residence, i.e. who are not EEA nationals or family members of an EEA national, and
  • ·stateless persons

qualify as third-country nationals.


2)Where can clients submit their applications?


I.Application for the issuance of a residence permit


a)Application submission outside of Hungary


If your entry into Hungary does not constitute a visa-exempt travel, your application for the issuance of a residence permit is to be submitted outside of Hungary.  


Your application may also be submitted only outside of Hungary, if you are allowed to enter the territory of Hungary visa free but you were a holder of a residence permit for guest workers, and the validity of your document expired; i.e. you are not applying for the issuance of a residence permit for guest workers for the first time.


You may submit an application before a diplomatic or consular foreign mission of Hungary in the country of your nationality or your habitual place of residence. Please be advised to contact the competent foreign mission of Hungary to inquire for further information, if there are any other places authorised to receive applications for a residence permit. Such application receiving places are constituted by e.g., honorary consuls, trade representations, and external service providers.   


If there are not any consulates or other types of places receiving application in the country of your nationality or your habitual place of residence, in exceptional cases, you may submit an application in a country where you are staying legally provided that you provide proof of the reasons of your exceptional application submission.


Submitting an application for a visa separately is not required, as an application for the issuance of a residence permit comprises an application for a visa entitling its holder to collect the respective residence permit.


b)Application submission within the territory of Hungary


When can an application for the issuance of a residence permit be submitted within the territory of Hungary?


If you are allowed to enter the territory of Hungary visa free  due to your nationality, and you are not a holder of a residence permit, you may submit an application for the first time issuance of a residence permit for guest workers within the territory of Hungary as well.


You may submit an application in Hungary, as well, if you are a holder of a valid extended residence permit for guest workers, due to which the approved time of residence, maximised in three years by law, is about to expire.  

Please note that in such a case, application submission is only available at least 40 days prior to the date of expiry of the residence permit concerned.


How can applications for a residence permit be submitted in Hungary?


Application submission in Hungary is available:

  • ·by electronic means via the electronic information system and procedure initiation platform of Enter Hungary, which is available by clicking here, or
  • ·in person, before the competent regional directorate of NDGAP as per the applicant’s place of accommodation. Contact details of the regional directorates and further information are available by clicking here.


Please note that application submission is available only via the Enter Hungary platform if your attorney-in-fact is a legal representative or a legal person.


II.Application submission via an employer


Applications for the issuance of a residence permit for guest workers and for the extension of a residence permit for guest workers may also be lodged by an employer, if the concerned employee as applicant gives consent to such a process in a written declaration of consent and

  • ·(s)he has not entered the territory of Hungary, or
  • ·(s)he has entered the territory of Hungary visa free, is staying legally and is not a holder of a residence permit, or
  • ·(s)he is a holder of a valid residence permit for guest workers, and wishes to apply for its extension.


Applications by an employer may be submitted only via the platform of Enter Hungary.

The platform of Enter Hungary is available by clicking here.


In cases when the application for a residence permit concerned is lodged via an employer, the client concerned is required to appear in person before the authority to facilitate taking the applicant’s facial photograph, recording his/her fingerprint and implementing other procedural conducts upon the request of the authority.


III.Application for the extension of a residence permit


Submission of applications for the extension of a residence permit for guest workers is only available within the territory of Hungary, via the platform of Enter Hungary, which is available by clicking here.


Extension of a residence permit is only possible for a period not exceeding 3 years from the date of first issuance of the permit. If you wish to reside within the territory of Hungary with a residence permit for guest workers longer, you may submit an application for the issuance of a residence permit for guest workers in Hungary at least 40 days prior to the date of expiry of your residence permit.


Please note that if you wish to be employed by an employer other than the employer in relation to whom you were granted your currently valid residence permit, you are required to submit an application for the extension of a residence permit for guest workers.


Please be informed that the extension of the residence permit is only possible if

  • ·you are a holder of a valid residence permit for guest workers at the time of application submission,
  • ·you resided within the territory of Hungary with your residence permit at least for 90 days in any 180-day period.


Furthermore, please note that an application for the extension of a residence permit for guest workers is to be submitted at least 30 days prior to the date of expiry of the issued residence permit.



3)Additional information on application submission


For submission of an application in person, applicants are required to complete the application form correctly in full and to submit the completed document with their signature. The form is available by clicking here and the appendix here.

In Word format: click here or here.

For submission of an application via the platform of Enter Hungary, the full and correct completion of the electronic application form is required, which is available on the platform. The platform of Enter Hungary is available by clicking here.


For the purpose of the issuance of a residence permit comprising biometric data, a facial photograph and fingerprint of the applicant will be taken.


An application submitted via the platform of Enter Hungary is deemed to have been received by the immigration authority, if the administrative service fee has been paid, and the facial photograph and fingerprint of the applicant is taken and signature specimen of the applicant is recorded within 15 days from the date of receipt. The immigration authority will send out a notification when your application is deemed to have been received.


4)Administrative service fee for the procedure


For information on administrative service fees for procedures, please click here.


5)What are the mandatory attachments/enclosures of an application?


For the approval of an application for a residence permit, the applicant is required to meet conditions for entry and residence in Hungary, during the procedures mandatory attachments/enclosures may serve as proof of meeting the set conditions.

Please make sure completion of the attachments/enclosures is in full and check all documents before submission, supporting the soonest possible processing and examination of the application.


Documents in proof of the purpose of residence


The following documents may serve as proof of the purpose of residence:

  • ·a preliminary agreement on establishment of an employment relationship,
  • ·a document on legal relationship of employment.


Documents in proof of means of subsistence in Hungary


One of the following documents must be submitted as proof that the applicant has sufficient resources, i.e. (s)he can cover costs related to his/her subsistence, accommodation, return/onward travel (i.e. exit from Hungary) and healthcare services from legally acquired income and savings:

  • ·a preliminary agreement,
  • ·a document on legal relationship of employment,
  • ·a certificate from a credit institution under the applicant’s name (e.g. a bank account statement, an account statement on savings or stocks and bonds, bank balance statement),
  • ·a document on regular income issued by the employer or the tax authority.


Documents proving that the applicant has a place of accommodation in Hungary


One of the following documents must be submitted as proof that the applicant is the owner of a residential property suitable for habitation, or (s)he has legal title to use such a real estate:

  • ·a residential lease contract,
  • ·a document on accommodation provision by courtesy,
  • ·a document in proof of ownership of the residential property,
  • ·a document in proof of the reservation of accommodation and payment for it,
  • ·a certificate by the applicant’s employer declaring that the employer will provide for the applicant’s place of accommodation.


Documents proving that the applicant has health insurance


Documentary evidence must be submitted as proof that the applicant has access to comprehensive health insurance services covering all healthcare services or that (s)he can cover the costs of such services.

An applicant meets this condition in the following cases:

  • ·(s)he qualifies as a person with health insurance services under social security,
  • ·(s)he has access to the Hungarian health insurance services within the framework of an international convention/treaty or agreement,
  • ·(s)he can cover the costs of his/her healthcare services based on documents in proof of his/her means of subsistence available in Hungary.


Documents proving that the applicant meets the conditions of exit (i.e. conditions to a return/onward travel)


Meeting the conditions of exit may be proved by:

  • ·a valid passport,
  • ·having a valid ticket/valid tickets for the relevant travel or the amount of money to cover the costs of the travel.


Other required documents


  • ·Attaching/enclosing 1 facial photograph to/with the application is required.


In case of an extension, attaching/enclosing documents on unchanged conditions again is not required.


6)Other information in relation to the procedure


Applications for the issuance/extension of a residence permit for guest workers are examined under a single application procedure.

For detailed information on the single application procedure, please click here.


7)Time period of procedural administration


Time period for procedural administration: 21 days.


In addition to mandatory attachments/enclosures, NDGAP may request the submission of further documents for clarification of facts of the case or implement other procedural conducts.


The period for remedying deficiencies (e.g., submission of missing documents) and for the implementation of various other procedural conducts is not comprised in the time period of the procedural administration.  


The authority acting on the application case adopts a decision as to merits within 60 days from the date of the submission of the application.


8)Receiving the residence permit document


If you submitted your application for a residence permit before a foreign diplomatic or consular mission of Hungary and the regional directorate approves your application for a residence permit, it shall constitute approval for the issuance of an entry visa entitling its holder to receive a residence permit, of which the competent Hungarian consulate shall be notified by the regional directorate.

The entry visa entitling its holder to receive a residence permit shall be issued by the competent consulate officer.

Please note that type "D" visa entitling their holder to receive their residence permits issued to third-country nationals are single-entry visas authorising a stay of not more than 30 days and are valid for 3 months.

Please note that if you do not enter the territory of Hungary within 3 months from the date of approval of the issuance of your residence permit and do not start your approved residence, the approved residence permit becomes invalid and the approval of your accrued right of entry and residence ceases.


A residence permit document shall be delivered by way of post to the address indicated as place of delivery in the application form.

If the application was submitted by an employer, the document shall be delivered to the employer, to the employer’s official contact address, in the absences thereof, to the employer’s place of establishment (i.e. registered address).


Please note that receiving your document before NDGAP’s regional directorate in person is only allowed, if you prove that you are not in a position to receive the document at the address indicated as place of delivery in your application.


9)How long is the validity period of the permit?


The validity period of the document is maximised in 2 years, and it may be extended for another year; however, its validity period may not exceed 3 years of time from the date of first issuance.


Please note that the authority shall determine the date of expiry of the residence permit in a way that the third-country national’s travel document shall be valid at least for another 3 months after the date of expiry of the approved residence.


10)Further information


  • ·Submitting an application for a residence permit for another purpose within the territory of Hungary


During the validity period of a residence permit for guest workers and after its date of expiry, application for the issuance of a residence permit under another legal title is not allowed in Hungary.


  • ·Family reunification


Family members of a third-country national who is a holder of a residence permit for guest workers or an applicant for a residence permit for guest workers may not be granted a residence permit for family reunification.

An exception to this is if a third-country national holding a residence permit for guest workers gives birth to a third-country national child in Hungary during the period of validity of the residence permit, as in this case the child will receive a residence permit issued for the purpose of family reunification after notification on the child’s birth.


  • ·Long-term residence


Third-country nationals who are holders of a residence permit for guest workers may not be granted a national residence card.


  • ·Appeal


In case of refusal, the decision may be appealed within 8 days of delivery, submitted to the authority of first instance, or at the Hungarian diplomatic or consular foreign mission where the application was submitted.


Please note that the authority shall dismiss the appeal without any examination as to merits in the following cases:

-  the appeal is received after the deadline,

-  the appeal is not submitted by an authorised person,

-  the applicant introduces and refers to new facts of the case, of which (s)he was aware before the decision was taken,

-  the appeal is submitted without indicating its grounds or cause.


For information on reporting obligations, please click here.



Kategória: Cikkek





Residence permit for guest investor



1)Which third-country nationals are eligible to be granted a residence permit for guest investors?


A residence permit for guest investors may be granted to a third-country national whose entry and stay in Hungary is in national economic interest due to his/her investments realised in Hungary.


Realisation of the following investments shall be considered as national economic interest:


a)acquisition of an investment fund share of at least EUR 250 000 issued by a real estate fund registered by the Hungarian National Bank,

b)ownership interest over a property, concerning a residential property with a value of at least EUR 500 000, located in the geographical territory of Hungary and registered in the Land Registry of Hungary under its parcel identification/topographical LOT number, free and clear of all liens, claims and encumbrances (in effect as of 1 January 2025), or

c)provision of a financial donation in an amount of at least EUR 1 000 000 and for a purpose of educational, scientific research or artistic creation activities, to a higher education institution maintained by a public trust with a public-service mission.


Definition of third-country nationals:

  • ·Non-Hungarian nationals who are not persons with the right of free movement and residence, i.e. who are not EEA nationals or family members of an EEA national, and
  • ·stateless persons

qualify as third-country nationals.



2)Where can clients submit their applications?


I.Application for the issuance of a residence permit


Application for the issuance of a residence permit may be submitted only in Hungary.


Submitting the application is conditional on your legal stay in Hungary with a guest investor visa or – if you are allowed to enter the territory of Hungary visa free – on a visa free basis.


Please note that if you are a holder of a residence permit in Hungary, and due to your nationality, you are not eligible to enter Hungary without a visa, you will not be able to apply for a residence permit for guest investors. In such a case, you must first apply for a visa for guest investors abroad, further information is available by clicking here .


The application must be submitted after the entry with a visa for guest investors or in case of a visa-exemption, within 93 days from the date of the first legal entry into the territory of Hungary.

If you are a holder of a residence permit in Hungary, and due to your nationality, you are eligible to enter Hungary without a visa, you can submit your application at any time during your legal stay.



Application submission is available:

  • ·by electronic means via the electronic information system and procedure initiation platform of Enter Hungary, which is available by clicking here, or
  • ·in person, before the competent regional directorate of NDGAP as per the applicant’s place of accommodation. Contact details of the regional directorates and further information are available by clicking here.


  • ·in person, before the competent regional directorate of NDGAP as per the applicant’s place of accommodation. Contact details of the regional directorates and further information are available by clicking here.

Please note that if your place of accommodation is located in Budapest or Pest County, you are advised to submit your application before the Central Regional Directorate, which is bound to the booking of an appointment (booking an appointment is available here). Clients with a place of accommodation located in the countryside are also advised to book an appointment in advance.



Please note that application submission is available only via the Enter Hungary platform if your attorney-in-fact is a legal representative or a legal person.


Please also note that you must certify via the platform of Enter Hungary within 3 months after entering Hungary that you have completed the committed investment. Notification thereof is to be completed before submitting the application for the respective residence permit. Certification of the realised investment will be examined by NDGAP.


Please be informed that appearing in person is obligatory for finalising the application and taking the applicant’s fingerprints and facial photograph even in case of an application submitted electronically.


II.Application for the extension of a residence permit


Submission of applications for the extension of a residence permit for guest investors is only available within the territory of Hungary, via the platform of Enter Hungary, which is available by clicking here.


Please be informed that the extension of the residence permit is only possible if you are a holder of a valid residence permit for guest investors at the time of application submission.


Furthermore, please note that an application for the extension of a residence permit is to be submitted at least 30 days prior to the date of expiry of the issued residence permit.



3)Additional information on application submission



For submission of an application in person, applicants are required to complete the application form correctly in full and to submit the completed document with their signature. The form is available by clicking here and the appendix here.

In Word format: click here or here.

For submission of an application via the platform of Enter Hungary, the full and correct completion of the electronic application form is required, which is available on the platform. The platform of Enter Hungary is available by clicking here.


For the purpose of the issuance of a residence permit comprising biometric data, a facial photograph and fingerprint of the applicant will be taken.


An application submitted via the platform of Enter Hungary is deemed to have been received by the immigration authority, if the administrative service fee has been paid, and the facial photograph and fingerprint of the applicant is taken and signature specimen of the applicant is recorded within 15 days from the date of receipt. The immigration authority will send out a notification when the application is deemed to have been received.


4)Administrative service fee for the procedure


For information on administrative service fees for procedures, please click here.


5)What are the mandatory attachments/enclosures of an application?

For the approval of your application for a residence permit, you are required to meet conditions for entry and residence in Hungary, during the procedures mandatory attachments/enclosures may serve as proof of meeting the set conditions.

Please make sure completion of the attachments/enclosures is in full and check all documents before submission, supporting the soonest possible processing and examination of the application.


Documents in proof of the purpose of residence


Please attach/enclose certification of one of the following investments:


a)a certificate from the real estate fund manager registered by the Hungarian National Bank or from the distributor of the investment fund share on the investment fund share of EUR 250 000 issued under the name of the third-country national;


Please note that in this case you are required, for at least 5 years, to have an investment fund share issued by a real estate fund whose net asset value comprises minimum 40% of investments in residential real estate in Hungary and its real estate fund manager is listed in the register of qualified market operators under Act XXX of 2016 on Procurement for Defence and Security Purposes.

Only those fund managers shall act who qualify as an alternative investment fund manager (hereinafter referred to as AIFM) under Act XVI of 2014 on Collective Investment Trusts and Their Managers, and on the Amendment of Financial Regulations (hereinafter referred to as CITA), and who is authorised to manage alternative investment funds (hereinafter referred to as AIF) in which the value of assets under management

a) exceeds a threshold of EUR 100 million in total (including assets created through leverage), or

b) exceeds a threshold of EUR 500 million in total, where the portfolio of AIF comprises of AIFs which are not financed through leverage and in whose cases no redemption rights shall be exercised within 5 years from the date of the original investment into the various AIFs.

Apart from the abovementioned, also fund managers shall act who, qualifying as an investment fund manager under CITA, manages a real estate fund in which the value of assets under management exceeds a threshold of EUR 600 million in total.

Please note that you will need to present to the immigration authority a document, issued by the securities account manager, that credibly substantiates that the guest investor

a) has deposited the investment fund shares referred to in Section 22 (9) of Act XC of 2023 in a securities sub-account blocked for at least 5 years on the basis of the guest investor's order, and

b) has exempted the securities account manager from the obligation of confidentiality in respect of the procedure relating to the purpose of the account blocking.


b)a contract of sale and purchase, countersigned by a lawyer, concerning a residential property with a value of at least EUR 500 000, located in the geographical territory of Hungary and registered in the Land Registry of Hungary under its parcel identification/topographical LOT number, free and clear of all liens, claims and encumbrances (in effect as of 1 January 2025);


Please note that in this case, upon acquiring ownership of the residential property, a prohibition on alienation and encumbrance must be registered in the Land Register for a period of 5 years from the date of conclusion of the purchase contract, and the property may be owned exclusively by you or you and one or more family members who are also applying for a residence permit for guest investor for a period of 5 years.

Please also be informed that the competent authority will appoint a forensic real estate expert to determine whether there is a noticeable discrepancy between the actual market value of the property and the purchase price indicated in the application. The applicant must advance the costs of the assessment.


c)a certificate from the higher education institution maintained by a public trust with a public-service mission certifying that the higher education institution has received a financial donation from you of at least EUR 1 000 000 to support educational, scientific research or artistic creation activities.


Please be informed that the extension of the residence permit is only possible for the various investments may only be granted if the following conditions are met:


a)if the investment on the basis of which the residence permit was issued was an investment fund share, the applicant is required to have the investment at the time of application submission,

b)if the investment on the basis of which the residence permit was issued was ownership interest over a real estate property, then

  • ·the applicant continues to have ownership interest over the property based on which the residence permit was issued with a value of at least EUR 500 000, or
  • ·if the applicant no longer has ownership interest over the property based on which the residence permit was issued, or the value of the ownership interest over the property is less than EUR 500 000, the applicant has a new real estate investment meeting the same conditions at the time of application submission,


c)if the investment on the basis of which the residence permit was issued was provision of a financial donation, the extension of the residence permit may be granted without further investments realised.



Documents proving that the applicant has a place of accommodation in Hungary


One of the following documents must be submitted as proof that the applicant is the owner of a residential property suitable for habitation, or (s)he has legal title to use such a real estate:

  • ·a residential lease contract,
  • ·a document on accommodation provision by courtesy,
  • ·a document in proof of ownership of the residential property,
  • ·a document in proof of the reservation of accommodation and payment for it.


Documents proving that the applicant meets the conditions of exit (i.e. conditions to a return/onward travel)


Meeting the conditions of exit may be proved by:

  • ·a valid passport.

Other required documents


  • ·Attaching/enclosing 1 facial photograph to/with the application is required.


6)Time period of procedural administration


Time period for procedural administration: 21 days.


In addition to mandatory attachments/enclosures, NDGAP may request the submission of further documents for clarification of facts of the case or implement other procedural conducts.


The period for remedying deficiencies (e.g., submission of missing documents) and for the implementation of various other procedural conducts is not comprised in the time period of the procedural administration. 


7)Receiving the residence permit document


A residence permit document shall be delivered by way of post to the address indicated as place of delivery in the application form.


Please note that receiving your document before NDGAP’s regional directorate in person is only allowed, if you prove that you are not in a position to receive the document at the address indicated as place of delivery in your application.


8)How long is the validity period of the permit?


Validity period of the document is maximised in 10 years, and it may be extended for up to another 10 years for the same purpose.


9)Further information


  • ·Reporting obligations in connection with investments


In case, during the validity period of the residence permit, there is a change in the data based on which the investment was verified, the applicant is obliged to report it within 5 days of the change via the platform of Enter Hungary.


  • ·Employment and business activity


The residence permit for guest investors entitles its holder to pursue activities independently, for remuneration or act as a chief executive of a business organisation, cooperative or other legal entity established for the purpose of gainful activity.


The residence permit for guest investors and the related residence permit for family reunification entitle their holder to perform actual work for or under the direction of others, for remuneration, under contract for employment relationship.

The third-country national is entitled to work in Hungary without restrictions.


  • ·Appeal


In case of refusal, the decision may be appealed within 8 days of delivery, submitted to the authority of first instance, or at the Hungarian diplomatic or consular foreign mission where the application was submitted.


Please note that the authority shall dismiss the appeal without any examination as to merits in the following cases:

-  the appeal is received after the deadline,

-  the appeal is not submitted by an authorised person,

-  the applicant introduces and refers to new facts of the case, of which (s)he was aware before the decision was taken,

-  the appeal is submitted without indicating its grounds or cause.


For information on reporting obligations, please click here.


Kategória: Cikkek




Vállalaton belüli áthelyezés célú tartózkodási engedély és hosszú távú mobilitási engedély



  1. 1)Melyik harmadik országbeli állampolgár kaphat vállalaton belüli áthelyezés célú tartózkodási engedélyt?


Vállalaton belüli áthelyezés céljából tartózkodási engedélyt az a harmadik országbeli állampolgár kaphat, aki

  • ·a tartózkodási engedély iránti kérelem benyújtásakor az Európai Unió tagállamai területén kívül rendelkezik lakóhellyel, és akit a vállalaton belül áthelyeztek, vagy
  • ·az Európai Unió valamely tagállama által vállalaton belüli áthelyezés céljából kiadott tartózkodási engedéllyel rendelkezik (hosszú távú mobilitási engedély)


A vállalaton belüli áthelyezés jelentése: az Európai Unió tagállamai területén kívül lakóhellyel rendelkező harmadik országbeli állampolgár foglalkoztatási vagy képzési célú ideiglenes kiküldetése az Európai Unió tagállamai területén kívül letelepedett olyan vállalkozástól, amelyhez a harmadik országbeli állampolgárt az ugyanahhoz a vállalkozáshoz vagy vállalkozáscsoporthoz tartozó, az adott tagállamban letelepedett szervezethez történő áthelyezést megelőzően és annak idejére munkaszerződés köti, illetve adott esetben az egy vagy több második tagállamban letelepedett fogadó szervezetek közötti mobilitása.


Nem kaphat vállalaton belül áthelyezés céljából tartózkodási engedélyt

  • ·aki kutatás céljából kiállított tartózkodási engedéllyel rendelkezik,
  • ·aki egyrészt az Európai Unió és tagállamai, másrészt harmadik országok közötti megállapodások alapján a szabad mozgás tekintetében az Európai Unió polgáraival egyenértékű jogokat élvez, vagy akit ilyen harmadik országokban letelepedett vállalkozás foglalkoztat,
  • ·a 96/71/EK európai parlamenti és tanácsi irányelv hatálya alá tartozó harmadik országbeli állampolgár, aki Magyarország területén kiküldetésben tartózkodik,
  • ·az egyéni vállalkozó,
  • ·a munkaerő-közvetítő, a munkaerő-kölcsönző vagy az egyéb olyan vállalkozás megbízása alapján munkát végző harmadik országbeli állampolgár, amelynek tevékenysége abból áll, hogy munkaerőt bocsát rendelkezésre egy másik vállalkozás felügyelete és irányítása alatti munkavégzés céljából,
  • ·aki tanulmányok folytatása célú tartózkodási engedéllyel rendelkezik, vagy aki tanulmányai részeként rövid távú, felügyelt szakmai gyakorlaton vesz részt.


Harmadik országbeli állampolgárnak minősül:

  • ·az a nem magyar állampolgár, aki nem tartozik a szabad mozgás és tartózkodás jogával rendelkező személyek közé, tehát aki nem EGT-állampolgár vagy annak családtagja, valamint
  • ·a hontalan személy.


  1. 2)Hol nyújtható be a kérelem?


  1. I.A tartózkodási engedély kiadása iránti kérelem


  1. a)A kérelem benyújtása külföldön


Ha Ön vízummentesen nem utazhat be Magyarországra, és nem rendelkezik az Európai Unió másik tagállama által vállalaton belüli áthelyezés céljából kiállított tartózkodási engedéllyel, akkor a tartózkodási engedély kiadása iránti kérelmet külföldön kell benyújtania.


A kérelmet azon a magyar külképviseleten tudja benyújtani, amely az Ön állampolgársága vagy szokásos tartózkodási helye szerinti országban működik.

Javasoljuk, hogy az illetékes konzulátusnál érdeklődjön arról, hogy van-e egyéb kérelem átvételére felhatalmazott hely, ahol a kérelem szintén benyújtható. Ilyen átvevő hely például a tiszteletbeli konzul, a kereskedelmi képviselet vagy külső szolgáltató.


Ha az Ön állampolgársága vagy szokásos tartózkodási helye szerinti országban nem működik magyar konzulátus vagy egyéb kérelem átvevő hely, akkor kivételes esetben a kérelmet benyújthatja abban az országban is, ahol jogszerűen tartózkodik, de kizárólag akkor, ha a kérelmezés indokait okirattal igazolja.


Vízumot külön nem kell kérelmeznie, mert a tartózkodási engedély kiadása iránti kérelem magában foglalja a tartózkodási engedély átvételére jogosító vízum iránti kérelmet is.


  1. b)A kérelem benyújtása Magyarországon


Mely esetben nyújtható be a tartózkodási engedély kiadása iránti kérelem Magyarországon?


Amennyiben Ön állampolgárságánál fogva vízummentesen utazhat be  Magyarországra, és nem rendelkezik tartózkodási engedéllyel, akkor jogszerű tartózkodásának ideje alatt a tartózkodási engedély kiadása iránti kérelmét Magyarországon is benyújthatja.


Amennyiben az Európai Unió másik tagállama által kiállított vállalaton belüli áthelyezés céljából kiállított tartózkodási engedéllyel rendelkezik, szintén benyújthatja Magyarországon a tartózkodási engedély (hosszú távú mobilitási engedély) kiadása iránti kérelmét.

A kérelmet legkésőbb a hosszú távú mobilitás megkezdése előtt 20 nappal, vagy a másik tagállam által vállalaton belüli áthelyezés céljából kiállított tartózkodási engedély birtokában Magyarországon 90 napot meg nem haladó jogszerű tartózkodásának lejárta előtt 20 nappal kell benyújtani.


Milyen módon nyújtható be a tartózkodási engedély kiadása iránti kérelem Magyarországon?


A kérelmet Magyarországon az alábbi módokon nyújthatja be:

  • ·elektronikus úton az Enter Hungary felületen, melyet ide kattintva érhet el, vagy
  • ·személyesen, az OIF-nak az Ön szálláshelye szerint illetékes regionális igazgatóságán, melyek elérhetőségéről és további információkról ide kattintva olvashat


Felhívjuk a figyelmet, hogy ha meghatalmazottja jogi képviselő vagy jogi személy, a kérelem kizárólag az Enter Hungary felületen nyújtható be.


  1. II.A kérelem benyújtása a foglalkoztató által


A vállalaton belüli áthelyezés célú tartózkodási engedély (illetve hosszú távú mobilitási engedély) kiadása, illetve meghosszabbítása iránti kérelmet a foglalkoztató is előterjesztheti, ha ehhez a munkavállaló írásbeli nyilatkozattal hozzájárul és

  • ·még nem utazott be Magyarország területére, vagy
  • ·vízummentesen utazott be Magyarországra, itt jogszerűen tartózkodik, és nem rendelkezik tartózkodási engedéllyel, vagy
  • ·érvényes vállalaton belüli áthelyezés céljából kiállított tartózkodási engedéllyel (illetve hosszú távú mobilitási engedéllyel) rendelkezik, és azt kívánja meghosszabbítani.


A kérelmet a foglalkoztató kizárólag az Enter Hungary felületen nyújthatja be.

Az Enter Hungary felület ide  kattintva érhető el.


Azokban az esetekben, amikor a foglalkoztató útján kerül előterjesztésre a tartózkodási engedély iránti kérelem, a biometrikus adatokat tartalmazó tartózkodásra jogosító okmány kiállítása céljából arcképmás készítésére, ujjnyomat rögzítésére és egyéb eljárási cselekmények lefolytatása céljából a hatóság felhívására az ügyfél a hatóság előtt köteles személyesen megjelenni.


  1. III.A tartózkodási engedély meghosszabbítása iránti kérelem


Az engedély meghosszabbítását kizárólag Magyarországon kérelmezheti, az Enter Hungary felületen, melyet ide  kattintva érhet el.


Felhívjuk a figyelmét, hogy a tartózkodási engedély kizárólag akkor hosszabbítható meg, ha

  • ·rendelkezik érvényes tartózkodási engedéllyel a kérelem benyújtásakor,
  • ·a tartózkodási engedélyével bármely 180 napos időszakban legalább 90 napot Magyarországon tartózkodott.


Felhívjuk a figyelmét továbbá, hogy a tartózkodási engedély meghosszabbítása iránti kérelmet legkésőbb a tartózkodási engedély érvényességi idejének lejártát megelőző 30 nappal kell benyújtani.


  1. 3)A kérelem benyújtásával kapcsolatos egyéb információk


Személyes benyújtás esetén a kérelem formanyomtatványt pontosan kitöltve és a kérelmező által aláírva kell benyújtani. A nyomtatvány ide a betétlap ide kattintva érhető el.

Word formátumban: ide illetve ide kattintva.

Az Enter Hungary felületen történő benyújtás esetén az ott található elektronikus űrlapot kell megfelelően kitölteni. Az Enter Hungary felületet ide  kattintva érheti el.


A kérelem benyújtásakor a biometrikus adatokat tartalmazó tartózkodásra jogosító okmány kiállítása céljából arcképmás készítésére és ujjnyomat rögzítésére kerül sor.


Az Enter Hungary felületen előterjesztett kérelem akkor minősül az idegenrendészeti hatósághoz érkezettnek, ha a kérelem díját befizette, és a visszaigazolás megküldésétől számított 15. napon belül megtörtént az arcképmása, valamint az ujjnyomata rögzítése és az aláírásminta megadása. Ha a kérelem érkezettnek minősül, az idegenrendészeti hatóság erről tájékoztatást küld.


  1. 4)Az eljárás díja


Az eljárási díjakról szóló tájékoztatót ide  kattintva tekintheti meg.


  1. 5)Milyen kötelező mellékleteket kell benyújtani a kérelemhez?


A tartózkodási engedély iránti kérelem engedélyezéséhez teljesítenie kell a beutazási és tartózkodási feltételeket, melyeket az eljárás során a kötelező mellékletekkel tud igazolni.

Kérjük, hogy a mellékleteket maradéktalanul töltse ki, illetve minden iratot ellenőrizzen a benyújtás előtt, ezzel hozzájárulhat kérelmének mielőbbi elbírálásához.


A tartózkodási célt igazoló dokumentumok


A tartózkodás céljának igazolására az alábbi iratokat kell csatolni:

  • ·a kérelmező és a harmadik országban letelepedett vállalkozás között fennálló munkaszerződés vagy megbízólevél, mely tartalmazza, hogy a vállalaton belüli áthelyezés időpontját közvetlenül három hónapos folyamatos munkaviszony előzte meg ugyanazon a vállalkozáson vagy vállalkozáscsoporton belül,
  • ·a magyarországi fogadó szervezet és a harmadik országban letelepedett vállalkozás ugyanahhoz a vállalkozáshoz vagy vállalkozás csoporthoz való tartozást igazoló irat,
  • ·a vezető állású munkavállaló vagy szakértő esetén a felsőfokú végzettséget, vagy szakképzettséget, illetve gyakornok-munkavállaló esetén a felsőfokú végzettséget igazoló okirat,
  • ·a magyarországi fogadó szervezet által kiállított nyilatkozat, mely szerint a vezető állású munkavállaló vagy szakértő rendelkezik a vállalaton belüli áthelyezéshez szükséges tapasztalattal, és
  • ·a vállalaton belüli áthelyezés során az Európai Unió tagállamaiban eltölteni kívánt időtartamra vonatkozó, a harmadik országban letelepedett vállalkozás által kiállított nyilatkozatot (azon feltétel igazolására, hogy az Európai Unió tagállamai területén történő tartózkodás tekintetében Magyarországon a leghosszabb a vállalaton belüli áthelyezés időtartama)


A magyarországi megélhetést igazoló dokumentumok


Önnek az alábbi dokumentumok valamelyikével igazolnia kell, hogy elegendő anyagi fedezettel rendelkezik, így a jogszerűen megszerzett jövedelemből, megtakarításból fedezni tudja a megélhetés, lakhatás, kiutazás és az egészségügyi ellátás költségeit:

  • ·munkaszerződéssel vagy megbízólevéllel,
  • ·a kérelmező nevére szóló hitelintézeti igazolással (pl. bankszámlaforgalom kimutatás, lekötött megtakarítás, értékpapír, számlaegyenleg),
  • ·rendszeres jövedelemről szóló munkáltatói vagy adóhatósági igazolással.


A magyarországi szálláshelyet igazoló dokumentumok


Önnek valós magyarországi lakcímadatot kell bejelenteni szálláshelyként a kérelem nyomtatványon. A bejelentéshez külön irat csatolására nincs szükség.


Az egészségbiztosítást igazoló dokumentumok


Önnek okirattal igazolnia kell, hogy az egészségügyi ellátások teljes körére biztosítottnak minősül, vagy az egészségügyi ellátás költségeit biztosítani képes.

Ennek lehetséges módjai:

  • ·társadalombiztosítás alapján biztosítottnak minősül,
  • ·nemzetközi szerződés vagy megállapodás alapján a magyar egészségbiztosítás szolgáltatásait igénybe veheti,
  • ·a megélhetését igazoló okiratok alapján egészségügyi ellátása költségeit biztosítani képes.


A kiutazás feltételeit igazoló dokumentumok


A kiutazás feltételei igazolhatók:

  • ·érvényes útlevéllel,
  • ·Ön rendelkezik érvényes menetjeggyel vagy annak összegével.


Egyéb szükséges dokumentumok


  • ·Csatolni kell egy darab igazolványképet.


Hosszabbítás esetén nem kell ismételten csatolnia a változatlan feltételekre vonatkozó okiratokat.


  1. 6)Eljárással kapcsolatos egyéb információk


A vállalaton belüli áthelyezés célú tartózkodási engedély iránti kérelmet az eljáró hatóság összevont kérelmezési eljárás keretében bírálja el.

Az összevont kérelmezési eljárásról szóló részletes tájékoztatót ide kattintva olvashatja.


  1. 7)Az ügyintézés ideje


Az ügyintézési idő: 21 nap.


A kötelező mellékleteken kívül az OIF a tényállás tisztázása érdekében további okiratok benyújtására is felhívhatja, valamint egyéb eljárási cselekményt is foganatosíthat.


A hiánypótlási határidő és a különféle eljárási cselekmények lefolytatása az ügyintézési határidőbe nem számít bele.


Az eljáró hatóság az érdemi döntést a kérelem benyújtásától számított 70 napon belül hozza meg.


  1. 8)A tartózkodási engedély okmány átvétele


Ha a tartózkodási engedély kiadása iránti kérelmet külképviseleten terjesztette elő, és a regionális igazgatóság a tartózkodási engedély kiadása iránti kérelemnek helyt ad, egyidejűleg a tartózkodási engedély átvételére jogosító vízum kiadását is engedélyezi, és erről értesíti a magyar konzulátust.

A tartózkodási engedély átvételére jogosító vízumot a konzuli tisztviselő adja ki.

Felhívjuk a figyelmet, hogy tartózkodási engedély átvételére jogosító D vízum egyszeri beutazásra és 30 nap tartózkodásra jogosítja a kérelmezőt és 3 hónapig érvényes.

Felhívjuk továbbá a figyelmet, hogy amennyiben a tartózkodási engedély kiadásának engedélyezését követő 3 hónapon belül nem utazik be Magyarországra és az engedélyezett tartózkodását nem kezdi meg, az engedélyezett tartózkodási engedély érvénytelen, és a beutazásra és tartózkodásra való jogosultsága megszűnik.


A tartózkodási engedély okmány postai úton kerül kézbesítésre a kérelem formanyomtatványon megjelölt címre.

Ha a kérelmet a foglalkoztató nyújtotta be, az okmány a foglalkoztató részére kerül kézbesítésre, az általa megadott hivatalos kapcsolattartási címére, ennek hiányában a székhelyére.


Felhívjuk a figyelmét, hogy az okmányt kizárólag akkor veheti át személyesen az OIF regionális igazgatóságán, ha igazolja, hogy nincs abban a helyzetben, hogy az okmányt a kézbesítésre megjelölt címen átvegye.


  1. 9)Meddig érvényes az engedély?


Az okmány érvényességi ideje vezető állású munkavállaló vagy szakértő esetében legfeljebb 3 év, amely meghosszabbítható, azonban az okmány érvényességi ideje meghosszabbítás esetén sem haladhatja meg az első kiadástól számított 3 évet.


Az okmány érvényességi ideje gyakornok esetében legfeljebb 1 év, amely meghosszabbítható, azonban az okmány érvényességi ideje meghosszabbítás esetén sem haladhatja meg az első kiadástól számított 1 évet.


Felhívjuk a figyelmet, hogy a tartózkodási engedély érvényességi idejét úgy kell megállapítani, hogy a harmadik országbeli állampolgár úti okmánya az engedélyezett tartózkodás lejártakor még legalább 3 hónapig érvényes legyen.


  1. 10)Egyéb tudnivalók


  • ·Jogorvoslat


Az elutasító döntéssel szemben fellebbezésnek van helye, mely a közléstől számított 8 napon belül nyújtható be az elsőfokú döntést hozó hatóságnál, vagy a kérelmezés helye szerinti külképviseleten.


Felhívjuk a figyelmet, hogy a fellebbezés érdemi vizsgálat nélkül elutasításra kerül az alábbi esetekben:

-  a fellebbezés elkésett,

-  a fellebbezés nem a jogosulttól származik,

-  az ügyfél fellebbezésében olyan új tényre hivatkozik, amelyről a döntés meghozatala előtt tudomása volt,

-  a fellebbezést indoklás nélkül nyújtja be.


A bejelentési kötelezettségekről itt  tájékozódhat.



Kategória: Cikkek



Residence Permit for the purpose of intra-corporate transfer and Permit for long-term mobility


1) Which third-country nationals are eligible to be granted a residence permit for the purpose of intra-corporate transfer?

A residence permit for the purpose of intra-corporate transfer may be issued to a third-country national:

  • ·who at the time of the application for a residence permit resides outside the territory of the Member States of the European Union and has been transferred intra-corporate, or


  • ·holding a residence permit for the purpose of intra-corporate transfer issued in any Member State of the European Union (permit for long-term mobility)

Intra-corporate transfer is defined as a third-country national residing outside the territory of the Member States of the European Union and who is temporarily posted for employment or training purposes by a company established outside the territory of the Member States of the European Union and the third-country national is bound by work contract before and during his/her transfer with the same company or group of companies and in special cases mobility between host organisations established in one or more second Member States.

A residence permit for the purpose of intra-corporate transfer may not be issued:

  • ·to a third-country national holding a residence permit for the purpose of research;
  • ·to any third-country national who, under agreements between the European Union and its Member States and third countries, enjoy rights of free movement equivalent to those of Union citizens or are employed by a company established in those third countries;
  • ·to any third-country national covered by Directive 96/71/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 1996 concerning the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services, as long as he/she is posted on the territory of Hungary;
  • ·to private entrepreneurs;
  • ·to third-country nationals assigned for occupational activity by employment agencies, temporary work agencies or any other companies engaged in making available labour to work under the supervision and direction of another company;
  • ·to third-country nationals admitted as full-time students or who are undergoing a short-term supervised practical training as part of their studies.

Definition of third-country nationals:

  • ·Non-Hungarian nationals who are not persons with the right of free movement and residence, i.e. who are not EEA nationals or family members of an EEA national, and
  • ·stateless persons

qualify as third-country nationals.

2) Where can clients submit their applications?


  1. I.Application for the issuance of a residence permit


  1. a)Application submission outside of Hungary


If you are not allowed to enter the territory of Hungary visa free and you are not a holder a residence permit issued by another EU Member State for the purpose of intra-corporate transfer, your application for the issuance of a residence permit is to be submitted outside of Hungary. 

You may submit an application before a diplomatic or consular foreign mission of Hungary in the country of your nationality or your habitual place of residence. Please be advised to contact the competent foreign mission of Hungary to inquire for further information, if there are any other places authorised to receive applications for a residence permit. Such application receiving places are constituted by e.g. honorary consuls, trade representations, and external service providers.  

If there are not any consulates or other types of places receiving application in the country of your nationality or your habitual place of residence, in exceptional cases, you may submit an application in a country where you are staying legally provided that you provide proof of the reasons of your exceptional application submission.

Submitting an application for a visa separately is not required, as an application for the issuance of a residence permit comprises an application for a visa entitling its holder to collect a residence permit.

b)  Application submission within the territory of Hungary


When can an application for the issuance of a residence permit be submitted within the territory of Hungary?

If you are allowed to enter the territory of Hungary visa free  due to your nationality, and you are not a holder of a residence permit, you may submit an application of a residence permit within the territory of during your legal stay in Hungary as well.

If you hold a residence permit for the purpose of intra-corporate transfer issued by another EU Member State, you may submit an application (long-term mobility permit) in Hungary as well.

The application must be submitted at the latest 20 days before the long-term mobility starts, or in possession of a valid residence permit issued by a Member State of the European Union, 20 days before the end of lawful residence in Hungary of not more than 90 days.

How can applications for a residence permit be submitted in Hungary?

Application submission in Hungary is available:

  • ·by electronic means via the electronic information system and procedure initiation platform ofEnter Hungary, which is available by clicking here, or
  • ·in person, before the competent regional directorate of NDGAP as per the applicant’s place of accommodation. Contact details of the regional directorates and further information are available by clicking here.

Please note that application submission is available only via the Enter Hungary platform if your attorney-in-fact is a legal representative or a legal person.


  1. II.Application submission via an employer


Applications for the issuance of a residence permit for the purpose of intra-corporate transfer (and a permit for long-term mobility) and for the extension of a residence permit for the purpose of intra-corporate transfer (and a permit for long-term mobility) may also be lodged by an employer, if the concerned employee as applicant gives consent to such a process in a written declaration of consent and

  • ·(s)he has not entered the territory of Hungary, or
  • ·(s)he has entered the territory of Hungary visa free, is staying legally and is not a holder of a residence permit, or
  • ·(s)he is a holder of a valid residence permit for the purpose of intra-corporate transfer (a permit for long-term mobility), and wishes to apply for its extension.


Applications by an employer may be submitted only via the platform of Enter Hungary.

The platform of Enter Hungary is available by clicking here.

In cases when the application for a residence permit concerned is lodged via an employer, the client concerned is required to appear in person before the authority to facilitate taking the applicant’s facial photograph, recording his/her fingerprint and implementing other procedural conducts upon the request of the authority.

III. Application for the extension of a residence permit

Submission of applications for the extension of a residence permit for guest workers is only available within the territory of Hungary, via the platform of Enter Hungary, which is available by clicking here.

Please be informed that the extension of the residence permit is only possible if

  • ·you are a holder of a valid residence permit at the time of application submission,
  • ·you resided within the territory of Hungary with your residence permit at least for 90 days in any 180-day period.


Furthermore, please note that an application for the extension of a residence permit for guest workers is to be submitted at least 30 days prior to the date of expiry of the issued residence permit.

3) Additional information on application submission


For submission of an application in person, applicants are required to complete the application form correctly in full and to submit the completed document with their signature. The form is available by clicking here and the appendix here.

In Word format: click here or here.

For submission of an application via the platform of Enter Hungary, the full and correct completion of the electronic application form is required, which is available on the platform. The platform of Enter Hungary is available by clicking here.

For the purpose of the issuance of a residence permit comprising biometric data, a facial photograph and fingerprint of the applicant will be taken.

An application submitted via the platform of Enter Hungary is deemed to have been received by the immigration authority, if the administrative service fee has been paid, and the facial photograph and fingerprint of the applicant is taken and signature specimen of the applicant is recorded within 15 days from the date of receipt. The immigration authority will send out a notification when your application is deemed to have been received.

4) Administrative service fee for the procedure


For information on administrative service fees for procedures, please click here.

5) What are the mandatory attachments/enclosures of an application?


For the approval of your application for a residence permit, you are required to meet conditions for entry and residence in Hungary, during the procedures mandatory attachments/enclosures may serve as proof of meeting the set conditions.

Please make sure completion of the attachments/enclosures in full and check all documents before submission, supporting the soonest possible processing and examination of your application.

Documents in proof of the purpose of residence

The following documents may serve as proof of the purpose of residence:

  • ·employment contract or letter of assignment between the applicant and the company established in the third country, stating that the intra-corporate transfer was immediately preceeded by three months of continuous employment at the same company or group of companies,
  • ·evidence that the Hungarian host entity and the company established in a third country belong to the same company or group of companies;
  • ·evidence, in the case of executive employees and specialists that the third-country national has the university degree or vocational training, or in the case of trainee employees, the university degree required;
  • ·statement issued by a Hungarian host entity stating that the executive employee or specialist has the experience needed for the intra-corporate transfer,
  • ·declaration by the company established in a third country of the planned duration of the intra-corporate transfer in Member State of the European Union (to prove that among the Member States of the European Union, Hungary is the country with the longest period of intra-corporate transfer)

Documents in proof of means of subsistence in Hungary

One of the following documents must be submitted as proof that the applicant has sufficient resources, i.e. (s)he can cover costs related to his/her subsistence, accommodation, return/onward travel (i.e. exit from Hungary) and healthcare services from legally acquired income and savings:

  • ·an employment contract or a letter of assignment,
  • ·a certificate from a credit institution under the applicant’s name (e.g. a bank account statement, an account statement on savings or stocks and bonds, bank balance statement),
  • ·a document on regular income issued by the employer or the tax authority.


Documents proving that the applicant has a place of accommodation in Hungary

The applicant shall declare a real Hungarian address as an accommodation on the application form. A separate document will not be required to be attached to the declaration.

Documents proving that the applicant has health insurance

Documentary evidence must be submitted as proof that the applicant has access to comprehensive health insurance services covering all healthcare services or that (s)he can cover the costs of such services.

An applicant meets this condition in the following cases:

  • ·(s)he qualifies as a person with health insurance services under social security,
  • ·(s)he has access to the Hungarian health insurance services within the framework of an international convention/treaty or agreement,
  • ·(s)he can cover the costs of his/her healthcare services based on documents in proof of his/her means of subsistence available in Hungary.


Documents proving that the applicant meets the conditions of exit (i.e. conditions to a return/onward travel)

Meeting the conditions of exit may be proved by:

  • ·a valid passport,
  • ·having a valid ticket/valid tickets for the relevant travel or the amount of money to cover the costs of the travel.


Other required documents

  • ·Attaching/enclosing 1 facial photograph to/with the application is required.


In case of an extension, attaching/enclosing documents on unchanged conditions again is not required.

6) Other information in relation to the procedure


Applications for the issuance/extension of a residence permit for guest workers are examined under a single application procedure.

For detailed information on the single application procedure, please click here.

7) Time period of procedural administration

Time period for procedural administration: 21 days.

In addition to mandatory attachments/enclosures, NDGAP may request the submission of further documents for clarification of facts of the case or implement other procedural conducts.

The period for remedying deficiencies (e.g. submission of missing documents) and for the implementation of various other procedural conducts is not comprised in the time period of the procedural administration. 

The authority acting on the application case adopts a decision as to merits within 70 days from the date of the submission of the application.

8) Receiving the residence permit document

If you submitted your application for a residence permit before a foreign diplomatic or consular mission of Hungary and the regional directorate approves your application for a residence permit, it shall constitute approval for the issuance of an entry visa entitling its holder to receive a residence permit, of which the competent Hungarian consulate shall be notified by the regional directorate.

The entry visa entitling its holder to receive a residence permit shall be issued by the competent consulate officer.

Please note that type D visa entitling their holder to receive their residence permits issued to third-country nationals is a single-entry visa authorising a stay of not more than 30 days and are valid for 3 months.

Please note that if you do not enter the territory of Hungary within 3 months from the date of approval of the issuance of your residence permit and do not start your approved residence, the approved residence permit becomes invalid and the approval of your accrued right of entry and residence ceases.

A residence permit document shall be delivered by way of post to the address indicated as place of delivery in the application form.

If the application was submitted by an employer, the document shall be delivered to the employer, to the employer’s official contact address, in the absences thereof, to the employer’s place of establishment (i.e. registered address).

Please note that receiving your document before NDGAP’s regional directorate in person is only allowed, if you prove that you are not in a position to receive the document at the address indicated as place of delivery in your application.


9) How long is the validity period of the permit?

In case of executive employees or specialists the validity period of the document is maximised in 3 years, and it may be extended; however, its validity period may not exceed 3 years of time from the date of first issuance.

In case of trainee the validity period of the document is maximised in 1 year, and it may be extended; however, its validity period may not exceed 1 year of time from the date of first issuance.

Please note that the authority shall determine the date of expiry of the residence permit in a way that the third-country national’s travel document shall be valid at least for another 3 months after the date of expiry of the approved residence.

10) Further information

  • ·Appeal


In case of refusal, the decision may be appealed within 8 days of delivery, submitted to the authority of first instance, or at the Hungarian diplomatic or consular foreign mission where the application was submitted.

Please note that the authority shall dismiss the appeal without any examination as to merits in the following cases:

-  the appeal is received after the deadline,

-  the appeal is not submitted by an authorised person,

-  the applicant introduces and refers to new facts of the case, of which (s)he was aware before the decision was adopted,

-  the appeal is submitted without indicating its grounds or cause.


For information on reporting obligations, please click here.


Kategória: Cikkek




Az ideiglenesen munkát vállaló turisták programjával kapcsolatban kötött megállapodások jegyzéke




2012. évi LIV törvény a Magyarország Kormánya és Új-Zéland Kormánya között az ideiglenesen munkát vállaló turisták programjáról szóló Megállapodás kihirdetéséről


2013. évi LXIV törvény a Magyarország Kormánya és a Koreai Köztársaság Kormánya között az ideiglenesen munkát vállaló turisták programjáról szóló Megállapodás kihirdetéséről


2014. évi LIII törvény a tajpeji Magyar Kereskedelmi Iroda és a Magyarországi Tajpej Képviseleti Iroda között az ideiglenesen munkát vállaló turisták programjáról szóló Megállapodás kihirdetéséről


2016. évi XCVIII törvény a Magyarország Kormánya és Ausztrália Kormánya között az ideiglenesen munkát vállaló turisták programjáról szóló Egyetértési Megállapodás kihirdetéséről


2017. évi XXXIV törvény a Magyarország Kormánya és Japán Kormánya között az ideiglenesen munkát vállaló turisták programjáról szóló Megállapodás kihirdetéséről


2017. évi LXXXI törvény a Magyarország Kormánya és a Chilei Köztársaság Kormánya között az ideiglenesen munkát vállaló turisták programjáról szóló Megállapodás kihirdetéséről


2018. évi XXIII törvény a Magyarország Kormánya és Hongkong, a Kínai Népköztársaság Különleges Közigazgatási Területének Kormánya között az ideiglenesen munkát vállaló turisták programjáról szóló Megállapodás kihirdetéséről


2019. évi V törvény a Magyarország és az Argentin Köztársaság között az ideiglenesen munkát vállaló turisták programjáról szóló Megállapodás kihirdetéséről

Kategória: Cikkek



(EU) 2018/1806 európai parlamenti és tanácsi rendelet




Macedónia Volt Jugoszláv Köztársaság[1]


Egyesült Arab Emírségek[2]

Antigua és Barbuda












Costa Rica










Saint Kitts és Nevis


Saint Lucia[2]















Szerbia (a szerbiai Koordinációs Igazgatóság [szerb nyelven: Koordinaciona uprava] által kiadott szerb útlevéllel rendelkező személyek kivételével)[1]




San Marino




Trinidad és Tobago



Egyesült Királyság (a 3. részben említett brit állampolgárok kivételével)

Egyesült Államok


Apostoli Szentszék

Saint Vincent és a Grenadine-szigetek[2]






Hongkong – Különleges Közigazgatási Régió[7]

Makaó – Különleges Közigazgatási Régió[8]




a tengerentúli brit állampolgárok (British Nationals (Overseas)

a tengerentúli brit területek polgárai (British Overseas Territories Citizens)

a tengerentúli brit polgárok (British Overseas Citizens)

az Egyesült Királyság védelmét élvező személyek (British Protected Persons)

a Brit Nemzetközösség tagjai (British Subjects)








[1] A vízummentesség kizárólag a biometrikus útlevéllel rendelkező személyekre vonatkozik.

[2] A vízumkötelezettség alóli mentességet az Európai Unióval kötendő vízummentességi megállapodás hatálybalépésének időpontjától kell alkalmazni.

[3] A vízummentesség a Grúzia által a Nemzetközi Polgári Repülési Szervezet (ICAO) szabványaival összhangban kiállított biometrikus útlevéllel rendelkező személyekre korlátozódik.

[4] A vízummentesség a Moldova által a Nemzetközi Polgári Repülési Szervezet (ICAO) szabványaival összhangban kiállított biometrikus útlevéllel rendelkező személyekre korlátozódik.

[5] A vízummentesség az Ukrajna által a Nemzetközi Polgári Repülési Szervezet (ICAO) szabványaival összhangban kiállított biometrikus útlevéllel rendelkező személyekre korlátozódik.

[6] Vanuatu valamennyi állampolgárának vízummentessége 2023. február 4-től 2024. augusztus 3-ig felfüggesztésre kerül.

[7] A vízummentesség csak azokra vonatkozik, akik rendelkeznek a "Hong Kong Special Administrative Region" útlevelével.

[8] A vízummentesség csak azokra vonatkozik, akik rendelkeznek a "Região Administrativa Especial de Macau" útlevelével.

[9] A vízummentesség csak az olyan, Tajvan által kiállított útlevéllel rendelkező személyekre vonatkozik, amely útlevelek tartalmaznak személyiigazolvány-számot.

[10] A vízumkötelezettség alóli mentesség csak a Koszovó által a Nemzetközi Polgári Repülési Szervezet (ICAO) szabványaival összhangban kiállított biometrikus útlevéllel rendelkező személyekre alkalmazandó.

Kategória: Cikkek



A munkáltató és a fogadó szervezet kötelezettségei



  1. 1)A foglalkoztatott tartózkodási engedélyével kapcsolatos kötelezettség


A munkáltató vagy a fogadó szervezet legkésőbb a harmadik országbeli állampolgár munkába lépésének napján köteles meggyőződni arról, hogy a harmadik országbeli állampolgár érvényes, az adott munkáltatónál vagy a fogadó szervezetnél munkavégzésre jogosító tartózkodási engedéllyel rendelkezik-e.

A munkáltató vagy a fogadó szervezet a harmadik országbeli állampolgár által bemutatott tartózkodási engedély másolatát a foglalkoztatás időtartama alatt köteles megőrizni.


A fentieket az idegenrendészeti hatóság hatósági ellenőrzése során kérheti bemutatni!


  1. 2)Bejelentési kötelezettségek


A foglalkoztatás megkezdésének bejelentése


A foglalkoztató a harmadik országbeli állampolgár foglalkoztatásának megkezdését az alábbi határidők mellett köteles bejelenteni az idegenrendészeti hatóságnak:

  • ·ha a munkáltató vagy a fogadó szervezet kérelmezte a munkavégzésre jogosító tartózkodási engedélyt, a harmadik országbeli állampolgár részére kiállított munkavégzésre jogosító tartózkodási engedély átvételét követő 5 napon belül;
  • ·ha a munkáltató vagy a fogadó szervezet kérelmezte a munkavégzésre jogosító tartózkodási engedélyt, azonban a harmadik országbeli állampolgár az átvétel időpontját követően – az előzetes megállapodásban kikötött várható munkakezdési időponthoz képest észszerű időn belül – utazik be Magyarországra, a beutazás napját követő 5 napon belül;
  • ·az előző két esetbe nem tartozó esetben a harmadik országbeli állampolgár részére kiállított munkavégzésre jogosító tartózkodási engedély átvételét követő 5 napon belül;
  • ·a tanulmányi célú tartózkodási engedéllyel rendelkező harmadik országbeli állampolgárok esetén a munkavégzés megkezdését követő 5 napon belül.


A foglalkoztatás meg nem kezdésének bejelentése


A munkáltató vagy a fogadó szervezet az alábbi határidők mellett köteles bejelenteni az idegenrendészeti hatóságnak, ha a harmadik országbeli állampolgár az engedélyezett munkáját nem kezdi meg:

  • ·amennyiben a munkáltató vagy a fogadó szervezet kérelmezte a munkavégzésre jogosító tartózkodási engedélyt, és a munkáltató vagy a fogadó szervezet tudomást szerez arról, hogy a harmadik országbeli állampolgár nem kezdi meg a munkavégzést a munkáltatónál vagy fogadó szervezetnél, haladéktalanul, de legkésőbb az erről való tudomásszerzést követő 5 napon belül;
  • ·amennyiben nem a munkáltató vagy a fogadó szervezet kérelmezte a munkavégzésre jogosító tartózkodási engedélyt, azonban tudomást szerez arról, hogy a harmadik országbeli állampolgár a munkaviszony létesítése céljából kötött előzetes megállapodásban kikötött várható munkakezdési időponthoz képest észszerű időn belül nem kezdi meg a munkáját a munkáltatónál vagy fogadó szervezetnél, haladéktalanul, de legkésőbb a munkaszerződésben előzetesen meghatározott, tervezett munkakezdési időpontot követő 5 napon belül.


A foglalkoztatás megszűnésének bejelentése


A munkáltató vagy a fogadó szervezet a bejelentés alapjául szolgáló tény vagy körülmény beálltától számított 5 napon belül köteles bejelenteni az idegenrendészeti hatóságnak, hogy a munkavégzés a munkavégzésre jogosító tartózkodási engedély érvényességi idején belül megszűnik.


A foglalkoztatás megkezdését, meg nem kezdését, megszűnését a munkáltató vagy a fogadó szervezet a következő adatok közlésével köteles teljesíteni:

  • ·munkáltató vagy fogadó szervezet adatai (név, cím, székhely, telephely, gazdálkodási forma, cégjegyzékszám),
  • ·harmadik országbeli állampolgár munkavállaló vagy vállalaton belül áthelyezett természetes személyazonosító adatai,
  • ·harmadik országbeli állampolgár munkavállaló vagy vállalaton belül áthelyezett tartózkodásra jogosító engedélyének száma,
  • ·munkakör,
  • ·a tényleges munkavégzés vagy vállalaton belül áthelyezés megkezdésének vagy meg nem kezdésének, vagy a munkavállalási engedély, vagy az összevont engedély érvényességi idején belül történő megszűnésének időpontja.



A munkáltató a fenti felsorolt bejelentéseket elektronikus azonosítását követően az Enter Hungary felületen  keresztül, elektronikus úton teljesíti.


A foglalkoztatás megkezdésére, meg nem kezdésére, megszűnésére vonatkozó bejelentési kötelezettség elmulasztásának jogkövetkezménye


A foglalkoztatás megkezdésére, meg nem kezdésére, megszűnésére vonatkozó bejelentési kötelezettséget elmulasztó, valamint a tartózkodási engedéllyel kapcsolatos meggyőződési kötelezettségét elmulasztó munkáltatót vagy fogadó szervezetet az idegenrendészeti hatóság a foglalkoztatott harmadik országbeli állampolgárok számával arányos mértékű közrendvédelmi bírsággal sújtja, melynek összege

foglalkoztatottanként 1.000.000 forintig terjedhet.


A közrendvédelmi bírság megfizetésének kötelezettsége alól a munkáltató vagy a fogadó szervezet akkor mentesül, ha bizonyítja, hogy a – fentebb részletezett – ellenőrzési és bejelentési kötelezettségének eleget tett.


Nem mentesül a munkáltató, illetve a fogadó szervezet a közrendvédelmi bírság megfizetésének kötelezettsége alól akkor, ha tudott, vagy kellő gondosság mellett tudhatott volna arról, hogy az érvényes tartózkodási engedélyként vagy más, tartózkodásra jogosító engedélyként bemutatott okmány hamis volt.


A fővállalkozó és valamennyi közbenső alvállalkozó az alvállalkozó munkáltatóval vagy a fogadó szervezettel egyetemlegesen felel a közrendvédelmi bírság megfizetéséért akkor, ha tudott, vagy kellő gondosság mellett tudhatott volna arról, hogy az alvállalkozó munkáltató harmadik országbeli állampolgárt tartózkodásra jogosító engedély nélkül foglalkoztat.


A 90 napot meg nem haladó vállalaton belüli áthelyezés bejelentése


A fogadó szervezet legkésőbb a munkába állást követő 5 napon belül köteles bejelenteni, ha az Európai Unió tagállama által, vállalaton belüli áthelyezés céljából kiállított tartózkodási engedéllyel rendelkező harmadik országbeli állampolgár vállalaton belüli áthelyezés céljából, kilencven napot meg nem haladó, tervezett időtartamig Magyarországon a fogadó szervezetnél végez munkát.


A bejelentésnek tartalmaznia kell

  • ·a harmadik országbeli állampolgár természetes személyazonosító adatait,
  • ·a vállalaton belüli áthelyezés tervezett időtartamát és
  • ·a fogadó szervezet vállalkozáscsoporthoz való tartozását.


A munkáltató a fenti bejelentést elektronikus azonosítását követően az Enter Hungary felületen  keresztül, elektronikus úton teljesíti.


Foglalkoztatási feltételekben történő változás bejelentése vendégmunkás-tartózkodási engedély esetén


A vendégmunkás-tartózkodási engedéllyel rendelkező külföldit foglalkoztató munkáltató, ha az általa foglalkoztatott vendégmunkás foglalkoztatási feltételeiben változás áll be, köteles azt a változás bekövetkezésétől számított 5 napon belül az OIF részére az Enter Hungary felületen  keresztül, az alábbi adatok közlésével bejelenteni:

  • ·a foglalkoztató adatai (név, cím, székhely, telephely, gazdálkodási forma, cégjegyzékszám),
  • ·a vendégmunkás természetes személyazonosító adatai,
  • ·a vendégmunkás tartózkodásra jogosító engedélyének száma,
  • ·az engedélyezett és a megváltozott foglalkozás megnevezése és FEOR száma,
  • ·az engedélyezett és a megváltozott magyarországi munkavégzési hely címe.


  1. 3)A vendégmunkást foglalkoztató munkáltató speciális kötelezettségei


A foglalkoztató köteles gondoskodni arról, hogy a

  • ·a beruházás megvalósítása céljából kiállított munkavállalási célú,
  • ·foglalkoztatás céljából kiállított, vagy
  • ·a vendégmunkás-tartózkodási engedéllyel

rendelkező vendégmunkás a munkaviszonya megszűnése vagy megszüntetése esetén Magyarország területét a munkaviszony megszűnését követő legkésőbb 6. napon elhagyja.


Amennyiben a foglalkoztató a fenti kötelezettségének nem tesz eleget, az idegenrendészeti hatóság 5.000.000 forint összegű bírsággal sújtja.


A foglalkoztató mentesül a bírság megfizetése alól, ha bizonyítja, hogy a fenti kötelezettsége teljesítése során úgy járt el, ahogyan az az adott helyzetben általában elvárható.


A foglalkoztató különösen akkor felel meg az adott helyzetben általában elvárható magatartás követelményének, ha az idegenrendészeti hatóság irányába történő bejelentési kötelezettségének maradéktalanul eleget tesz, továbbá bizonyítani tudja, hogy

  • ·a vendégmunkás részére az általa értett nyelven tájékoztatást adott a munkaviszony megszűnésének idegenrendészeti jellegű jogkövetkezményeiről, valamint az országelhagyásra vonatkozó kötelezettségről és az ahhoz kapcsolódó szankciókról,
  • ·a foglalkoztató a származási országba, vagy a távozás célországaként a kérelemben megjelölt nyilatkozatban szereplő országba a vendégmunkás nevére szóló repülőjeggyel rendelkezett, vagy részére a vendégmunkás ilyen repülőjegyet bemutatott és ezt dokumentáltan bizonyítani tudja, és
  • ·a vendégmunkás kiutazására azért nem került sor, mert

-   a vendégmunkás a kiutazás napja előtt a bejelentett szálláshelyéről ismeretlen helyre távozott, és vele kapcsolatot teremteni nem tudott, vagy

-   a vendégmunkás más foglalkoztatóval létesített munkaviszonyt, és a foglalkoztató a foglalkoztató-váltás tényéről megbizonyosodott és azt okirattal bizonyítani tudja.


Az idegenrendészeti hatóság és az általános rendőrségi feladatok ellátására létrehozott szerv által előlegezett kiutasítási, kiutaztatási, valamint az idegenrendészeti őrizetben tartással keletkezett költséget köteles a foglalkoztató megtéríteni, ha

  • ·a kiutasított vendégmunkás nem rendelkezik a költségek fedezetével és
  • ·a kiutasítást azért rendelték el, mert a vendégmunkás

-   a tartózkodási feltételeket nem teljesíti,

-   engedély nélkül végzett munkát, vagy

-   beutazása és tartózkodása a közegészséget sérti vagy veszélyezteti.


Ha a munkáltató vagy a fogadó szervezet a vendégmunkás munkaviszonya megszűnése vagy megszüntetése esetén a vendégmunkás ország-elhagyási kötelezettségével kapcsolatos, illetve a vendégmunkás foglalkoztatása meg nem kezdésére, foglalkoztatása megszűnésére vonatkozó bejelentési kötelezettségének az egy naptári éven belül általa Magyarországra hozott vendégmunkások létszámának 30%-a esetében nem tesz eleget, a munkáltató vagy a fogadó szervezet a bírság kiszabásának időpontjától számított 2 évig a meglévő vendégmunkás állományán túl további vendégmunkást nem alkalmazhat.


Kategória: Cikkek





Residence of the student, pupil:

Residence Permit for the Purpose of Studies, the student mobility residence permit, the student mobility certificate


1.)  Which third-country national is eligible to be granted a residence permit for the purpose of studies, a student mobility residence permit and a student mobility certificate?


I. A residence permit for the purpose of studies may be issued to a third-country national, who

  • ·establishes or has established a learning relationship with a public education institution registered in the public education information system as operating a full-time school system, or
  • ·full-time studies at a state-recognised higher education institution or at a foreign higher education institution authorised to operate in Hungary, or
  • ·wishes to reside in Hungary to participate in a preparatory course organised by the higher education institution.


Applicants must have the linguistic knowledge required for the pursuit of studies.


A residence permit for the purpose of studies shall not be granted to a third-country national who(se)

  • ·applied for recognition as a refugee or who requested any subsidiary form of protection or temporary protection from the asylum authority,
  • ·is a refugee or a beneficiary of temporary or subsidiary protection,
  • ·is a person with tolerated status,
  • ·expulsion has been suspended,
  • ·is a person with the right of free movement and residence,
  • ·holds an EU long-term residence permit,
  • ·arrives in the territory of the European Union as an intra-corporate transferee or trainee, and
  • ·enters the territory of the European Union for the purpose of highly qualified employment.
  • ·holds a residence permit issued by another Member State of the European Union for the purpose of study, intends to pursue part of his/her studies at a Hungarian higher education institution and are not covered by an European Union or multilateral programme involving mobility measures or an agreement between two or more higher education institutions.

II.             Student mobility residence permit may be granted to a third-country national, who




III.           Student mobility certificate may be granted to a third-country national, who

  • ·holds a residence permit issued by another Member State of the European Union for the purpose of study, intends to pursue part of his/her studies at a Hungarian higher education institution and covered by an EU or multilateral programme involving mobility measures or an agreement between two or more higher education institutions, and
  • ·notifies the immigration authority of the student mobility plan and the planned duration of the mobility in order to exercise student mobility.


Before starting the procedure, please clarify with the sending or host educational institution whether you are coming to Hungary under a European Union or multilateral programme involving mobility measures or under an agreement between two or more higher education institutions.


A third-country national is defined as:


  • ·Non-Hungarian nationals who are not persons with the right of free movement and residence, i.e. who are not EEA nationals or family members of an EEA national, and
  • ·stateless persons
  • qualify as third-country nationals.


2)Where can clients submit their applications?


I.Application for the issuance of a residence permit


a)Application submission outside of Hungary


If you are not a holder of a residence permit and your entry into Hungary is not covered by the visa-exempt travel regime your application for the issuance of a residence permit is to be submitted outside of Hungary. 


You may submit an application before a diplomatic or consular foreign mission of Hungary in the country of your nationality or your habitual place of residence.

Please be advised to contact the competent foreign mission of Hungary to inquire for further information, if there are any other places authorised to receive applications for a residence permit. Such application receiving places are constituted by e.g., honorary consuls, trade representations, and external service providers.  


If there are not any consulates or other types of places receiving application, in exceptional cases, you may submit an application in a country where you are staying legally provided that you provide proof of the reasons of your exceptional application submission.


Submitting an application for a visa separately is not required, as an application for the issuance of a residence permit comprises an application for a visa entitling its holder to collect the respective residence permit.


b)  Application submission within the territory of Hungary


When may an application for the issuance of a residence permit be submitted within the territory of Hungary?


If you are allowed to enter the territory of Hungary visa free  due to your nationality, and you are not a holder of a residence permit, you may submit an application for a residence permit within the territory of Hungary during your legal stay as well.


How can applications for a residence permit be submitted in Hungary?


Application submission in Hungary is available:

  • ·by electronic means via the electronic information system and procedure initiation platform of“Enter Hungary”, which is available by clicking here, or
  • ·in person, before the competent regional directorate of NDGAP as per your place of accommodation. Contact details of the regional directorates and further information are available by clicking here.


Please note that application submission is available only via the Enter Hungary platform if your attorney-in-fact is a legal representative or a legal person.


II.  Application for the extension of a residence permit


Submission of applications for the extension of a residence permit for the purpose of studies is only available within the territory of Hungary, via the platform of Enter Hungary, which is available by clicking here.

Please be informed that the extension of the residence permit for the purpose of studies is only possible if

  • ·you are a holder of a valid residence permit at the time of application submission,
  • ·you resided within the territory of Hungary with your residence permit at least 90 days in any 180-day period.


Furthermore, please note that an application for the extension of a residence permit for the purpose of studies is to be submitted at least 30 days prior to the date of expiry of the issued residence permit.


The student mobility residence permit and the student mobility certificate cannot be extended.


3) Additional information on application submission


For submission of an application in person, applicants are required to complete the application form correctly in full and to submit the completed document with their signature. The form is available by clicking here and the appendix here.

For submission of an application via the platform of Enter Hungary, the full and correct completion of the electronic application form is required, which is available on the platform. The platform of Enter Hungary is available by clicking here.


If the applicant is a minor with limited capacity or incapacity, the application is submitted by the applicant's legal representative, but if the applicant is over the age of six, he or she must appear in person when submitting the application.


For the purpose of the issuance of a residence permit comprising biometric data, a facial photograph and fingerprint of the applicant will be taken.


An application submitted via the platform of "Enter Hungary" is deemed to have been received by the immigration authority, if the administrative service fee has been paid, and the facial photograph and fingerprint of the applicant is taken and signature specimen of the applicant is recorded within 15 days from the date of receipt. The immigration authority will send out a notification when your application is deemed to have been received.


4) Administrative service fee for the procedure


For information on administrative service fees for procedures, please click here.


5) What are the mandatory attachments/enclosures of an application?

For the approval of an application for a residence permit, the applicant is required to meet conditions for entry and residence in Hungary, during the procedures mandatory attachments/enclosures may serve as proof of meeting the set conditions.

Please make sure completion of the attachments/enclosures is in full and check all documents before submission, supporting the soonest possible processing and examination of the application.


Documents in proof of the purpose of residence


The purpose of residence may be verified by:

  • ·a certificate of admission from the relevant educational institution,
  • ·a document verifying student status,
  • ·other credible means.

Linguistic knowledge required for the pursuit of studies may be verified by:

  • ·a language certificate in proof of language proficiency examination,
  • ·an official diploma in proof of studies in a foreign language,
  • ·other credible means.

When applying for a student mobility residence permit or submitting a student mobility notification, the agreement or admission certificate with the Hungarian higher education institution must be attached.


The application must be accompanied by proof of payment of tuition fees.


In the case of extension a statement made out by the education establishment on the applicant’s academic advancement shall also be attached/enclosed. The certificate issued by the education establishment shall contain information about the number of semesters in the given tertiary training, the number of active semesters the foreign national has in the training, indicating also the specific semesters in question.

NDGAP may refuse the extension of the residence permit for the purpose of study or may revoke the permit if the student fails to obtain a degree within one and a half times the period of study as set out in the training and the exit requirements.


Please also note that if you have been granted a residence permit for the purpose of attending a preparatory course, the permit can only be extended if you have been admitted to a state-recognised higher education institution or a foreign higher education institution authorised to operate in Hungary and you provide proof of this by means of an admission certificate or a student status certificate.


Documents in proof of means of subsistence in Hungary


One of the following documents must be submitted as proof that the applicant has sufficient resources, i.e. (s)he can cover costs related to his/her subsistence, accommodation, return/onward travel (i.e. exit from Hungary) and healthcare services from legally acquired income and savings:

  • ·a certificate from a credit institution under the applicant’s name (e.g. a bank account statement, an account statement on savings or stocks and bonds, bank balance statement),
  • ·a notarised declaration by a member of the applicants family undertaking to provide for the maintenance and support of the applicant and a document certifying the ability of the person providing the support to do so,
  • ·a document on regular income issued by the employer or the tax authority
  • ·other credible means (e.g., a scholarship certificate).


Documents proving that the applicant has a place of accommodation in Hungary


An existing and real Hungarian address shall be declared as accommodation on the application form. It is not necessary to attach/enclose a separate document.


Documents proving that the applicant has health insurance


Documentary evidence must be submitted as proof that the applicant has access to comprehensive health insurance services covering all healthcare services or that (s)he can cover the costs of such services.

An applicant meets this condition in the following cases:

  • ·(s)he qualifies as a person with health insurance services under social security,
  • ·(s)he has access to the Hungarian health insurance services within the framework of an international convention/treaty or agreement,
  • ·(s)he can cover the costs of his/her healthcare services based on documents in proof of his/her means of subsistence available in Hungary.


Documents proving that the applicant meets the conditions of exit (i.e. conditions to a return/onward travel)


Meeting the conditions of exit may be proved by:

  • ·a valid passport,
  • ·having a valid ticket/valid tickets for the relevant travel or the amount of money to cover the costs of the travel.


Other required documents


  • ·If the applicant is a minor, proof that his/her parent or legal guardian has consented to his/her stay in Hungary. The parental consent must be recorded in an authentic instrument or a private document with full probative force and accompanied by a translation into Hungarian or English.
  • ·Attaching/enclosing 1 facial photograph to/with the application is required.


In case of an extension, attaching/enclosing documents on unchanged conditions is not required.


6) Time period of procedural administration


Time period for procedural administration: 15 days


In addition to mandatory attachments/enclosures, NDGAP may request the submission of further documents for clarification of facts of the case or implement other procedural conducts.


The period for remedying deficiencies (e.g., submission of missing documents) and for the implementation of various other procedural conducts is not comprised in the time period of the procedural administration. 


The authority acting on the application for a residence permit for studies case adopts a decision as to merits within 60 days from the date of the submission of the application.


7) Receiving the residence permit document and the student mobility certificate


If you submitted your application for a residence permit for the purpose of studies and for the student mobility residence permit before a foreign diplomatic or consular mission of Hungary and the regional directorate approves your application for a residence permit, it shall constitute approval for the issuance of an entry visa entitling its holder to receive a residence permit, of which the competent Hungarian consulate shall be notified by the regional directorate.

The entry visa entitling its holder to receive a residence permit shall be issued by the competent consulate officer.

Please note that type "D" visa entitling their holder to receive their residence permits issued to third-country nationals is a single-entry visa authorising a stay of not more than 30 days and is valid for 3 months.

Please note that if you do not enter the territory of Hungary within 3 months from the date of approval of the issuance of your residence permit and do not start your approved residence, the approved residence permit becomes invalid and the approval of your accrued right of entry and residence ceases.


The residence permit for the purpose of studies shall be delivered by way of post to the address of the educational establishment.


The student mobility residence permit and the student mobility certificate shall be delivered by way of post to the address indicated as place of delivery in the application form.


8) How long is the validity period of the permit?


Validity period of the residence permit for the purpose of studies is minimum 1 year, or if the training is less than 1 year, it is adjusted to the duration of the training. Validity period of the document is maximised in 3 years. It may be extended for minimum 1, maximum 3 years.


The validity period of a residence permit for the purpose of studies may not exceed the validity period of the applicant's travel document.

The validity period of the student mobility residence permit and the student mobility certificate is maximised in 360 days.

The validity period of the mobility residence permit and the mobility certificate shall be determined in a way so that it does not exceed the period of validity of the residence permit issued by the first Member State.


9) Other information


  • ·Family Reunification


A third-country national holding or applying for a residence permit for the purpose of studies, a student mobility residence permit or a student mobility certificate shall not be granted a residence permit for the purpose of family reunification.

An exception to this is if a third-country national holding a residence permit for the purpose of studies gives birth to a third-country national child in Hungary during the period of validity of the residence permit, as in this case the child will receive a residence permit issued for the purpose of family reunification after notification on the child’s birth.


  • ·Long-term resident status


Third-country nationals holding a residence permit for study purposes, a student mobility residence permit or a student mobility certificate may not be granted a national residence card.


  • ·Employment

Third-country nationals holding a residence permit for the purpose of studies, a student mobility residence permit or a student mobility certificate may engage in employment during their study period for maximum thirty hours weekly, and outside their study period full-time for a maximum period of ninety days in a year.


  • ·Seeking a job or starting a business


If you have a valid residence permit for the purpose of study and you have successfully completed your studies and the job or business you want to start in Hungary is suitable for the level of your studies, you can submit an application for a residence permit for seeking a job or starting a business in Hungary.

More information on how to submit an application is available here.


  • ·Appeal


In case of refusal, the decision may be appealed within 8 days of delivery, submitted to the authority of first instance, or at the Hungarian diplomatic or consular foreign mission where the application was submitted.


Please note that the authority shall dismiss the appeal without any examination as to merits in the following cases:

-  the appeal is received after the deadline,

-  the appeal is not submitted by an authorised person,

-  the applicant introduces and refers to new facts of the case, of which (s)he was aware before the decision was taken,

-  the appeal is submitted without indicating its grounds or cause.


For information on reporting obligations, please click here.


Kategória: Cikkek

Belügyi alapok
  • Belügyi alapok


    Az Országos Idegenrendészeti Főigazgatóság által az Európai Unió Belügyi Alapok társfinanszírozásával megvalósított projektekről bővebben itt olvashat.


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Az Országos Idegenrendészeti Főigazgatóság a 2005. november 1-jét követően indult eljárásokban hatósági döntéseit a jogszabályban meghatározott esetekben hirdetményi úton honlapján is közzéteszi. Amennyiben a lenti keresőbe beírt adatokkal nincs találat, kérem, kattintson a HIRDETMENY linkre és ismételje meg a keresést a megjelenő felületen.


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