Electronic Submission of a Statement of Claim

Electronic Submission of a Statement of Claim

Except as provided for in the following paragraph, a statement of claim concerning a decision of the aliens policing authority must be submitted to the body having implemented the contested act within 30 days.

To the administrative body having implemented the contested act, a statement of claim shall be submitted within 3 days against a decision dismissing an appeal against a decision taken on the refusal of an application for a visa for a planned stay not exceeding ninety days, the annulment of a respective visa, and on the revocation of a respective visa, within 3 days against an order on a take back under the Dublin Regulation,  within 8 days against a decision ordering return, within 15 days against a decision taken in a procedure for the determination of stateless status.[1]

The client’s legal representative is obliged to communicate electronically; therefore, all submissions must be made exclusively electronically – in the manner specified in Act CCXXII of 2015 on the General Rules on Electronic Administration and Trust Services (hereinafter referred to as Act CCXXII of 2015) as well as the related implementing decrees – to the court and document delivery is conducted by electronic means by the court as well.

The bodies providing electronic case administration include the courts and the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing. In cases within their functions and responsibilities, as well as cases necessary for the use, cancellation, or modification of services to be provided under law, the bodies providing electronic case administration are obliged to facilitate electronic administration with clients.[2]

For related forms, please, click here.

[1] Pursuant to Section 39 (1) of Act I of 2017 on the Code of Administrative Court Procedure (hereinafter referred to as Act I of 2017).

[2] Pursuant to Section 29 (1) of Act I of 2017, Section 608 (1) of Act CXXX of 2016 on the Code of Civil Procedure, and Point 17 of Section 1, Sections 2 (1) and 9 (1) of Act CCXXII of 2015.

Last edited: 2024.09.29. 17:52