Services Provided to Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings

Services Provided to Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings

The Office provides various aid and support and other benefits with a view to ensuring basic living conditions and the subsistence of third-country nationals who are victims of trafficking in human beings. The rules for granting such aid and support are laid down in Government Decree 114/2007 (V. 24.) on the Implementation of Act II of 2007 on the Admission and Right of Residence of Third-Country Nationals (hereinafter referred to as “Government Decree”).

Third-country nationals who are victims of trafficking in human beings are entitled to receive provisions within the framework of personal care, as well as cash benefits and monetary aid.



a)     room and board in a community shelter or the like;

Third-country nationals who are victims of trafficking in human beings are entitled to stay in a community shelter or reception centre free of charge if the third-country national who is a victim of trafficking in human beings – or his/her spouse, domestic partner, sibling and next of kin living in the same household – does not have any assets available in Hungary constituting sufficient means of subsistence, or whose income, and the per capita monthly income of his family, comprising the income of the third-country national and the income of all family members living in the same household, including his/her spouse and next of kin, does not exceed the mandatory minimum old age pension (HUF 28,500 in 2017).

If the income of the third-country national who is a victim of trafficking in human beings, or his/her assets available is over the threshold amount specified above, he/she shall subsequently cover the costs of the services received by the 5th day of each month. The amount payable for said services will be determined by the head of the community shelter or reception centre.

If a third-country national who is a victim of trafficking in human beings is unable to indicate a place of accommodation, he/she is entitled to stay in a night shelter maintained in the county for the homeless, or any temporary accommodation with his/her humanitarian residence permit and the official certificate made out by the regional directorate, where he/she has the right to lodging and hygienic facilities.

b) medical services;

Basic medical care is provided to third-country nationals who are victims of trafficking in human beings placed in community shelters in the community shelter where he/she stays. Third-country nationals who are victims of trafficking in human beings residing in places other than community shelters shall be provided basic medical care by the general practitioner responsible for the region where their place of abode is located. Specialised healthcare services are available at the healthcare provider responsible for the region in question.

If a third-country national who is a victim of trafficking in human beings has no place of employment, and consequently not covered by any social security system, he/she shall be provided – under Section 79(1) of the Government Decree – free of charge the healthcare services enumerated in Section 138, specified in Section 142(2) and Section 142(3)(e) and (i) of Act CLIV of 1997 on Health Care, covering the services indicated below:

1. of epidemiological services:

-         compulsory vaccination (except if required on account of travelling abroad),

-         screening tests performed for reasons of epidemic control,

-         mandatory medical examination,

-         epidemiological separation,

-         transport of persons carrying an infectious disease;

2. emergency response, if the patient requires immediate medical attention;

3. in cases of emergency, the services provided for in specific other legislation;

4. post mortem examination if death occurs in the territory of Hungary, including other post mortem procedures;

5. services in health crisis situations.

These services are available in possession of a valid humanitarian residence permit. If a healthcare service provider refuses to provide services nonetheless, please ask the healthcare service provider to contact the department of immigration of the regional directorate of jurisdiction by reference to the place where the place of accommodation of the third-country national who is a victim of trafficking in human beings is located.



After moving out of the community hostel or reception centre, third-country nationals who are victims of trafficking in human beings may be granted aid provided on a monthly basis for a period of 12 months in the same amount as work-substitute benefits. The Office decides on the granting of aid based on the principle of need. Various aid and support may be provided to those third-country nationals who are victims of trafficking in human beings, and who does not have any assets available in Hungary constituting sufficient means of subsistence, and whose income [1], and the per capita monthly income of his family, comprising the income of the third-country national and the income of his/her spouse, domestic partner, sibling and next of kin living in the same household does not exceed the mandatory minimum old age pension (HUF 28,500 from 2017).



Applications must always be submitted in writing and in person, or by way of post, at the department of immigration of the regional directorate of jurisdiction by reference to the place where the place of accommodation of the applicant is located. The application may be submitted in any language, however, the following must be attached in all cases:

- a copy of the document for the identification of the applicant (humanitarian residence permit), and

- a completed financial and income statement [in accordance with Annex VI of Government Decree 114/2007 (V. 24.)]. If the applicant lives in the same household with his/her family and relatives, their financial and income situation must also be clarified in examining the application. (The statement form can be downloaded from the Office’s website, or may be obtained from the departments of immigration of regional directorates.)

The competent regional directorate shall decide on the granting of aid based on the documents submitted. The Office shall make available the aid awarded on a monthly basis by way of postal transfer to the place of accommodation of the third-country national who is a victim of trafficking in human beings.

The regional directorate may review eligibility for aid ex officio and, in that context, may request the third-country national who is a victim of trafficking in human beings to re-submit the statement provided for in Annex VI of Government Decree 114/2007, and to verify his/her financial situation and income. The person affected must submit the required statement and documents within 15 days. Failing to do so will result in the suspension and after 30 days the termination of further payment of the aid.

Payment of the aid will be terminated also if the third-country national who is a victim of trafficking in human beings fails to notify the regional directorate of jurisdiction by reference to his/her place of accommodation concerning his/her stay abroad for a period of over thirty days, or if impeded in receiving the aid in any other way, before leaving the country or immediately after the occurrence of the impediment. Upon receipt of notice, further payment of the aid will be suspended for the duration of absence, or until the impediment is eliminated. If the third-country national who is a victim of trafficking in human beings fails to comply with the obligation of notification, and if fails to collect the aid before the due date of the next payment, the regional directorate shall terminate further payment of the aid.



National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing

Regional Directorate of Budapest and Pest County

Immigration Division

1117 Budapest, Budafoki út 60. Building B, ground floor

Phone: (06 1) 463 9181, (06 1) 463 9165


Regional Directorate of South Plain Region

Department of Immigration

6724 Szeged, Londoni krt. 15.

Phone: (06 62) 549 141


Regional Directorate of South Transdanubia Region

Department of Immigration

7623 Pécs, Csend u. 3.

Phone: (06 72) 518 720


Regional Directorate of North Plain Region

Department of Immigration

4025 Debrecen, Sámsoni út 149.

Phone: (06 52) 503 840


Regional Directorate of North Hungary Region

Department of Immigration

3526 Miskolc, Hatvanötösök u. 2.

Phone: (06 46) 501 080


Regional Directorate of Central Transdanubia Region

Department of Immigration

8000 Székesfehérvár, József Attila utca 38.

Phone: (06 22) 510 650


Regional Directorate of West Transdanubia Region

Department of Immigration

9026 Győr, Szövetség u. 15-17.

Phone: (06 96) 510 700


[1] The terms “assets” and “income” are defined in accordance with Subparagraphs a) and b) of Article 4(1) of Act III of 1993 on Social Administration and Social Welfare Benefits, as amended.

Last edited: 2024.09.30. 11:36